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" Who was that ?", Paul asked , his voice barely hiding his anger .

Everyone was at Billy Black's house , Bella Swan included .

Paul's eyes were solely on Athena , demanding an explanation .

" Bellatrix Lestrange ," she said ," Aunt Andromeda's sister ."

" What's she doing here ?," Embry asked .

Athena folded her arms across her chest ." Me . She wants me . "

" Why ?," Paul asked slightly perplexed  at her answer .

Athena closed her eyes briefly .

She wasn't sure if she should tell them or not .

" Because of the prophesy ," a very familiar voice answered and Athena's eyes sprang open and she gasped when her dark eyes collided with familiar grey ones .

" Impossible ," she breathed , her eyes locked onto a very familiar figure ," I saw you fell . I heard her spell . I saw it touch you . You are _"

" Dead . And so I am . I have come to tell you something ...Pup . Something very important that Dumbledore should've told you . "

" Dad ," she whispered ," Padfoot ," she smiled sadly ," Dadfoot ."

Her Dad smiled and opened his arms ignoring the stares from everyone in the room .

He didn't have to do that even , because she was already rushing forward to embrace him , tears spilling down her cheeks .

" Be strong ,Pup ," he said pulling back slightly to wipe the tears away from her cheeks ," Don't cry . I'm alright . I'm happy . Your mother's happy . She told me to tell you that she is sorry that she couldn't come . Muggles cannot do this , though she isn't just a Muggle ."

He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

" You've become far more beautiful than I can ever imagine ,Pup . I am sorry that I had to leave you for good . But remember you're a Gryffindor . You are brave and strong and courageous . You're my little lion . Let those who stand against you hear you roar and show them what a Gryffindor is made of . "
She smiled . " Dad..."

He smiled back . " Listen , I cannot stay for long . You must listen carefully to what I have to say , Pup , because I won't be returning to enlighten you again . The night your mother died , Lily Potter helped her cast a spell . The spell was similar to the one that protected Harry . With her love , your mother protected you . The Dark Lord cannot touch you , but don't let him get your blood .It is important . Do not let him have your blood . Do you understand ?".

Athena nodded while holding onto her father .

" Promise me this ,Pup . If he gets your blood you would be bound to his life force . If he dies , you do too and I don't want to see you in the afterlife so soon . You must have a long and full life ,Pup. Can you do this for your dear old Dadfoot ?".

Athena smiled ." I promise ,Dad . "

He smiled then looked straight to Harry Clearwater .

" Her blood is bound to yours because of Jocelyn . Dumbledore should've given her to you . You are her protection ,Harry . If she dies then so do you , for you are bound together by blood . Dumbledore didn't know this and I tried to tell him this . Jocelyn and Lily made a pact when they casted the spell over their children to protect them , but they didn't know how strong your blood are. Jocelyn says that she is sorry for running away , but if she didn't , we wouldn't have Athena and she is happy that she had Athena even if she couldn't raise her . Remember this ,Harry , you are my daughter's protection against the Dark Lord . Your blood protects her as do Jocelyn's. No one as evil as the Dark Lord would be able to touch you nor her if you are together .She must never leave your side . "
Harry Clearwater nodded , moving closer and placing his hands on Athena's shoulders .

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