Rudeus stood in front of me like a barrier and I was very thankful. He held out his hand ready to do the water ball spell. "Let the great protection of water...HOOO!" He let out when some wind went by making Roxy's skirt go up.

The water ball then went and murdered Zenith's tree for a second time.

I looked at the tree and then at him and I was surprised to see him bowing to me. "Thank you! Wind goddess!" He exclaimed.

"NOB ME!" I yelled. "Not! Not!"

"What are you two doing?" Roxy asked us. "You cut the incantation short."

"Nho ma!" I yelled and went behind Rudeus as I was panicking even more so now I am speaking gibberish.

"I did." Rudeus admitted.

"Do you two always abridge it like that?" She asked us.

"We usually just skip it." Rudeus informed her nervously.

"Completely?!" She yelled.

"No! Hospatal!" I begged not wanting to go.

"I won't take you there." Roxy looked very tired. "So you both usually omit the incantation. I see, you're both worth training."

Rudeus smirked as I was sighing in relief. I then saw them both get scared, and Zenith walking over to the tree showing she was the reason.

I waved to her making her frown immediately disappear and she signed the words I love you making me grin.

"I screwed up right away, I guess I will be fired tomorrow." Roxy was rubbing the ground. I guess she likes rubbing things.

"Fired? Hired." I corrected her. "You're awenomm!"

'Now, what would a dating sim protagonist do in this situation?' Rudeus asked.

'Flirt?' I guessed.

"Yes!" He yelled then put his hand on her shoulder. "You didn't screw up, miss. You gained experience." He smirked weirdly.

"I suppose so, thank you." Roxy stood up and smiled at us.

She then flicked both of our foreheads. "Fly?" I asked.

Roxy then fell into a bowing position when Zenith came over. "Let's go inside, let's start by introducing ourselves, okay?" Zenith asked.

I breathed in heavily confusing them all. "I like vibting caroters!....Ah...." I groaned knowing I botched that. "Do you use wagons?" I slowly asked what I had been really wanting to know. "Ugh, weapons?!"

"Fighting characters." Rudeus translated part of it.

Roxy patted my head. "I only use magic." She explained making me pout in disappointment. "Anyway, I'm grateful, but I have nothing to offer you in return."

I started to pull her arm, but I was failing. "See even my daughter can tell you're being silly, let's go." Zenith pulled helped me pull her along, and we went inside.

"Rude!" I yelled.

"Coming!" He ran after us.

Paul was already drunk when we got in to have Roxy's welcome party.

I was happily eating everything Zenith wanted me to try, and that was everything. I have never been given so much of anything before and she was happy every time I ate something so I might die of food, can you?

'It's like a dream.' I looked to Rudeus who had his eyes closed as he started a monologue in his head.

'A dream I'm having as I die from that crash. No, even if it is, I don't care. In this world, I bet even I could make it. If I live and try as hard as everyone else, get back up when I fail and keep facing forward, then maybe I can do it. Maybe even a jobless, reclusive bum like me can get a do-over at life.' He was smiling to himself.

My second go at life // Orsted x oc (Mushoku Tensei)Where stories live. Discover now