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F/D: favorite dress

Y/N's heart pounds in excitement as she changes into her wedding dress, allowing Jane to do her make-up as well as Sally's. Trender and Jane were her bridesmaids and of course Sally was her flower girl. She couldn't have imagined anything being any more perfect than it was. With a pounding heart Y/N takes Trender's arm in her's, her hold tightening as the music plays to signal her walk down the aisle.

"Relax Y/N. You're the most stunning bride I have ever seen," Trender coos gently as he begins walking with her.

"I'm marrying your brother and the love of my life. How can I not be nervous?" Y/N chuckles softly.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" Splendorman asks, having gone out and gotten trained to be the marriage officiant.

"The brothers and members of Slender mansion do," Trender says, loud and clear. "Take care of her brother or someone else will."

"I intend to," Slender chuckles, accepting Y/N's hands in his own.

"The couple has taken the liberty to write their own vows," Splendor announces with a smile.

"Y/N, you dropped into my life in an unexpected way. Not only have you helped me build a home for many creatures like us but you've made me a home to return to every single day. You love me unconditionally and I couldn't have asked for someone better to call my soulmate. You're an incredible woman and it is an honor that you're letting me wed you today," Slender says, his hands tightening in Y/N's.

"Slender, you are an amazingly selfless man. You opened your home to me when I had nowhere else to go and gave me a second chance at life. I couldn't have asked for a better man to call mine. Not o my have you given me a home but you've given me a family that I never thought I would have," Y/N says.

"Do you Slender, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold through the good and the bad for as long as you both shall live?" Splendor asks.

"I do," Slender says, sliding the ring onto Y/N's finger.

"And do you Y/N, take Slender to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold through the good and the bad for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Y/N smiles, slipping the ring on Slender's finger.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" Splendor shouts happily.

With a soft giggle from Y/N, Slender and Y/N come together in a deep kiss, earning cheers from everyone attending the wedding. Trender takes lots of pictures of the new couple and their guests as everyone celebrates together. Y/N and Slender take turns dancing with everyone, Sally dancing on their shoes when she gets to dance with them, and everyone having the time of their lives. As the party winds down Slender and Y/N bid everyone farewell before he teleports them to Paris for their honeymoon.

The two hardly leave their hotel room on the first day as they consummate their marriage and just bask in one another's attention, going out and enjoying the sites and food of Paris, soaking up as much time together as possible.

"I love you so much, Y/N," Slender coos, pressing a kiss to his wife's lips.

"I love you more," Y/N coos in delight.


"Y/N? Are you alright?" Slender calls, knocking on the bathroom door as Y/N continues dry heaving into the toilet. "Love can I get you anything?"

"Make this go away," Y/N groans, her head resting against the cold tile of the bathroom as she lays on the floor.

"Are you late?" Slender asks, opening the door and kneeling beside his lover.

Y/N grows silent for a few moments as she thinks about his questions, her flushed cheeks paling as realization comes over her. She scrambles to her feet and stumbles to her bathroom cabinet where she roots around for a pregnancy test, hurrying over to the toilet once it's in hand. Her heart races as she pees on the stick and then awaits the results, Slender coming to stand at her side and gently rub her back. Y/N's breath hitches in her throat as two pink lines appear on the stick, an excited purr leaving her chest as she tackles Slender for a hug.

"I'm pregnant Slender!" Y/N gasps in excitement. "Can you believe it?!"

"Well we have been trying so I can," Slender chuckles, the excitement evident in his voice. "How shall we announce it to our mansion residents?"

"Let's hold a party Slender! We'll invite your brothers, make everything baby themed, and let's tell Sally. She'll be so excited to get to announce the news," Y/N gasps in excitement. "Slender we're going to have a baby! I wonder what they'll look like? You or me?"

"Not to brag but my genes are pretty strong Y/N. Although, I wouldn't argue with two little shapes shifting kittens running around," Slender chuckles. "We will just have to wait and find out."

"Let's go tell Sally!" Y/N giggles, hurrying from her husband's side and running to her daughter's room. "Sally! Sally, guess what?!"

"What is it mommy?" Sally gasps when she's lifted into Y/N's arms and spun around.

"You're going to get a baby sibling!" Y/N giggles in delight.

"Yay! Mommy's having a baby!" Sally squeals, throwing her arms around Y/N's neck. "It's gonna be a girl right?"

"I'm not sure, Sally. We won't know for a little while," Y/N explains apologetically. "But you'll be the first to know when we find out. We're going to throw a party to announce the news. Will you help me?"

"Of course mommy!" Sally grins in delight. "I love helping you."

"That's my big girl," Y/N smiles, showering her in kisses.

My Felidae (REWRITING) ((Slenderman x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now