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When Y/N wakes up again the first thing she notices is her lack of clothes, the cold air of the cell making her very aware of her nude state. With protesting muscles she forces herself into a sitting patient, looking around the place she's in. She spots a medical gown folded up at the end of the bed, forcing herself to her feet and slipping it on before collapsing back onto the bed. Her vision swims and nausea overwhelms her as her head pounds with pain. She just wants to go back to sleep. Y/N is pulled from her attempt to sleep again when the beeping of a her door is heard, a plate of food being slid under the small flap at the bottom, scrambling from the bed and lunging herself on top of her breakfast plate. Y/N devours the food like a ravenous animal, milk spilling from the corners of her mouth as she chugs the carton down, her breathing heavy as her heart pounds in her chest.

"My, my. You've got quite the appetite," Axel purrs as he enters her room during her distracted eating. "Don't even think about attacking me. I'm guessing you didn't notice the collar yet."

His words bring her back down to earth, her hands grasping at a metal collar clasped around her throat, her fingers feeling along the metal for any way to remove it.

"Only I can get it off my little kitten," Axel purrs, holding up a remote with a scanner at the top. "Now come here."

"Fuck off," Y/N snarls, a cry of pain leaving her lips when an electric shock suddenly shoots through her body.

"Just because the serum succeeded does not mean you can forget your manners. Come. Here." Axel orders, his thumb resting threateningly over a large red button.

Y/N's mind screams at her body as it moves towards Axel, something inside her yelling at her to disobey. To ignore this stupid man, but she has no desire to be electrocuted again. She comes to Axel and stands obediently in front of him, her body tensing when his hands come to examine her.

"Everything seems to be back in place. How do you feel?" Axel questions, taking a flashlight and shining it into her eyes. "Slit pupils, interesting."

"I feel like I was hit by a truck," She mumbles, opening her mouth wide after Axel taps on her lips. "And my head hurts."

"Aching muscles and a headache," Axel mumbles to himself as he finishes the examination. "You're free from any experiments today. I don't want to push your body after we've already had success. I will be bringing a subject by later today so rest until then," Axel says, giving her head a gentle pat before he leaves you alone in your cell.

With a heavy sigh Y/N drags herself back to her bed and buries under the covers where she curls up in a ball, trying to get what little sleep she can before Axel returns again.


Y/N is able to get a few hours of rest before she's rudely awakened by Jack dragging her out of bed when she doesn't wake up fast enough for him, stumbling along as he half drags her to the lab. Once again the room is filled with doctors and several syringes with the sickly green liquid are spread out, sending a shudder of displeasure through Y/N. She's caught off guard when a small carrier is suddenly brought into the room by Axel, a large black cat walking out of it once it's finally set down and the door is opened up.

'Who are you people?' Y/N hears the cat shocked she can understand the feline. 'What are we doing here? Where is mom? I don't like this place."

'I...The humans are trying to communicate with you,' Y/N explains, no sound leaving her lips despite their slight movement as she responds to the cat.

'Oh? You can understand me? Humans are so stupid. There's no way they can ever understand us. They can't even speak our language,' The black cat growls out before pausing and staring at Y/N. "But you can understand me."

My Felidae (REWRITING) ((Slenderman x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now