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When Y/N and Offender return to Slender mansion the two are full and slightly intoxicated from drinking, Slender coming to the two slightly angry that they had stayed out past dinner with "no consideration for others."

"Relax Slender," Y/N purrs, her hands coming to gently grasp his large hand in her own. "I'm sorry we stayed out so late. I'll make it up to you by cooking dinner tomorrow?"

"I will forgive you on one condition," Slender growls softly, his hand coming to grasp her chin. "You and I will have dinner. Alone."

Slender feels her sharp intake of breath, hears as her heart rate picks up speed, and can practically feel the sudden nervousness in the air. Y/N swallows the lump in her throat with a deep breath, her (e/c) eyes coming to rest on Slender's face.

"It's a deal," She assures hum, her nervousness melting away with those three little words.

With their date set the two head their separate ways, Slender for the kitchen and Y/N for her bedroom. Once the door is closed the young woman squeals in excitement, leaping into her bed as her heart pounds with excitement. At last she would be going on a date! Perhaps nothing would come of it but he asked and she agreed. She had no time to worry about being nervous, she was too excited to be able to finally tell Slender her feelings. She could only hope for the best possible outcome.


Slender spends most of his day out of the mansion, trying to decide where he wanted to take Y/N for dinner. He had been having strange feelings since the young woman had come to stay with them and he intended to follow up with them, hoping she was experiencing the same sensation. He couldn't be sure but he swore she looked at him with the same fondness he looked at her with. At last he decides that a picnic under the stars would be the best route to go. That way neither of them had to go through the trouble of hiding their identities from the outside world. With renewed determination Slender buys fresh ingredients for supper, setting himself hard at work as soon as he returns home.

Y/N was out hunting, trying to keep her frazzled mind occupied and off of Slender. She stalks after a few squirrels and chases them up trees but doesn't bother killing them. She didn't necessarily need them for sustenance anyway. The chase held all the fun. As the night hours tick by she heads back to Slender mansion to prepare for her 'date' with Slender, deciding on a long sleeve and skirt for the cool evening hours. Once she's satisfied with her outfit and make-up she makes her way downstairs, her cheeks flushing when Slender is there to greet her.

"Are you ready?" He asks, offering her his arm.

"Yes," She smiles, gladly accepting it.

The two walk in comfortable silence as Slender takes them to their destination, a small hill overlooking the lake on one side and his forest on the other. Slender lays out a blanket and the food once the two are settled. He prepared salmon with fresh asparagus and mashed potatoes as well as a fresh apple pie, a bottle of white wine having been brought with as a compliment. Y/N takes a deep breath with a delighted purr as she smells the food, her mouth watering in excitement.

"You always make cooking food worth it. You look at it with excitement I don't get from my brothers," Slender says with a soft chuckle.

"How can I not?! It's always so delicious and you put in so much work to make us like a family," She tells him with a smile. "It's made my transition a lot easier."

"How are you coping with not being able to return to your old life?" Slender asks, catching Y/N slightly off guard.

"It's...going okay I guess? I still think of my family and friends. Everything I left behind was stolen from me after everything Axel and his group did to me. I can't help but wonder if it's selfish to not return home. I understand why it's for the better but I can't help but wonder what they would do you know?"

"Humans are fickle creatures. The possibility is high that they would accept you back but that also runs the risk of Axel and his group finding you. Some simple persuasion could have your family and friends sending you right back to him," Slender points out.

"I think that's what scares me most. I'd be considered sick or a freak and I'll just end up in that lab again. I don't wish to return," She explains with a sigh.

"I apologize for upsetting you, Y/N. That wasn't my intention," Slender sighs softly, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"Please don't apologize, Slender. I'm happy to talk to you about these things. It's easier knowing I don't have to handle all of this on my own," She assures him. "Thank you."

Slender doesn't say a word, his hand gently squeezing Y/N's shoulder as he leans down and pulls her into a gentle kiss. She's hesitant at first but soon gives in to her desires and kisses him back, her lips parting to allow Slender's tongue inside her cavern when he asks for entrance. At last they pull away with soft pants, their breaths misting in the cooler night air.

"I know we've only known each other a few months but I care deeply for you, Y/N. Would you perhaps consider a relationship with me?" Slender asks.

"I would gladly be in a relationship with you," Y/N assures with a smile, a content purr rumbling in her chest as she sits up to give Slender another kiss.

My Felidae (REWRITING) ((Slenderman x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now