00 || Prologue

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Ophelia and Daniel were born on December 18, 1966, in New Jersey. Their father died eight years later, after fighting stomach cancer for two years.

It was hard growing up without a father, and it was hard for their mother to make enough money to care for them, but she always did what she could.

She taught them to always be kind, and it stuck with Ophelia as she grew up. Most would say she was the kindest person you'd meet, unless you messed with her brother of course.

The two had tanned skin and dark hair matched with brown eyes. Daniel was fairly tall, nearly 6' but was scrawny. Ophelia was only 5'7, short compared to her brother, but she was also scrawny.

You could definitely tell the two were twins. Whether it be the same smile the two shared, or the laughter that sounded exactly the same.

Ophelia loved her brother, He was all she had growing up when their mother was at work or the hospital with their father.

It created a bond that was rare between siblings. There were no fighting or petty arguments, the two were best friends.

On the rare occasion that Daniel did yell at Ophelia, he instantly regretted it at the sad look in her eyes, so he swore to himself he would never yell at her again.

Their mother decided one day to move them to Reseda, California. They moved into a broken down three-bedroom apartment, where the faucet was broken and the windows were tinted yellow from how old they were.

Daniel was upset about the move, he resented their mother, but despite that he kept his mouth shut about the move. He knew to respect their mother despite his disagreement with her on the topic.

Ophelia on the other hand was excited about the move. She wanted a fresh start away from the people in New Jersey. She never was very good at making friends, which is why Daniel was her only friend, and she was his.

It wasn't because the two were weird, or unattractive, they just would rather stick together, especially after their father's death.

The move would be a fresh start for both of them, despite Daniels's opposite feelings.

Little did she know she would become a inspiration to women and meet the love of her life.


Once again I want to put a trigger warning. There will be some mentions of SA and bullying. There will also be mentions and fighting (obviously) so there may be mentions of blood and injury's.

There also will be smut, stories with 🌶🌶🌶 will have it in it. Stories with kind've-not so much smut will have 🌶.

All credit goes to Robert Kamen. He is the creator of all of the characters besides Ophelia and a few others that I made up (you'll most likely be able to tell who)

The plot line with follow the karate kid plot created by Robert Kamen but it will also go off of the story and will mainly focus on Ophelia's life and her relationships with Johnny and the Cobras.

Oh, Ophelia || Johnny LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now