"I'll be upstairs if you need me" I announce


"I hate everything in my closet I have nothing to wear for homecoming" Elena complained
I was currently sitting with Bonnie, Davina and Elena in the Gilbert house judging the outfits Elena pulls out of her wardrobe.

Davina dragged me here and in the spirit of peace I have decided to bite back my comments for a while

"Why would you ever buy such a dress" I stare at the dress horrified at what my eyes have just seen she holds another one out and playfully rolls her eyes at me before putting it back in her wardrobe

"Don't go. Let's stay home, order take-out and over analyse ancient hieroglyphic thingies with Alaric. Mari your actually good at that, you would be a big help"

"You know for once I actually agree with staying home, all this supernatural stuff is crazy. And I'm not even involved!" Davina says throwing her hands in the air

"I kinda have to go. I'm meant to be some sort of back up in case anything goes wrong. Damon wants me to like poof him out of there, I got tired of trying to explain to him that I can only do it to myself" I say leaning back on the bed

"We have to go. Caroline will kill us" Elena says pulling out another dress

"Don't even think about wearing that, throw it away" Davina says while laying upside down on the bed

"Caroline actually has a date." Bonnie says

"Davina has a date to" I says

"Since when?!" Bonnie and Elena say at the same time

"Well while you guys were out slaying whatever type of demon it is this week Dean asked me out" Davina says (dean is just a random boy)

"Isn't he on the football team?" Elena asked still shuffling through her things

"Ye-" Davina says before she's cut off

"Yep and despite his large reputation for sleeping around he doesn't have a std" I say

"Why do you know that?" Bonnie asks

"You have to do research, what kind of friend would I be if I let her have sex with a guy who had a std" I say

"She would be fine because she would use protection" Elena says

"What if she decided to take birth control instead of using a condom..... exactly" I say

We stayed there for a while talking and laughing before Elena decided to just ask Davina to borrow one of her dresses


Caroline called me and asked me to meet her at her house. I sat on the bed while she ranted about Tyler setting Matt and Rebekah up

"And I just feel like I can't say anything cause if I do then I'm the mean one and your the only one I can talk to cause Tyler's sired Matt doesn't wanna be involved Bonnie's still kinda sore from the Jeremy thing and Elena has her problems with Stefan" Caroline ranted while pacing the room

"Nice to know I'm a last resort" I say

"You know I don't mean it like that your my friend. Like my best friend. And I know I've known Elena and Bonnie for ages but it just always seems like they're best friends and I'm left on the side. You don't leave me on the side though, neither do Osa and Davina but I feel like they could get me killed one day even though they're human and I'm a vampire, they just seem...." She paused like she was trying to find the right word

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