(Dating Macy!!) Christmas + New year special

Comenzar desde el principio

Babe, Love, Darling, Honey, Gorgeous/Handsome, Mine, Prince/Princess(If she feels really cheesy)

How the date went-

She picked you up in her convertible, taking you to a fancy restaurant. It was a rooftop restaurant as you both loved watching the stars. Macy had reserved the entire rooftop for yourselves so that you could have some alone time. You guys talked and ate dinner together. You didn't feel any of the pressure as it was just you 2 and the stars, allowing you to relax. Macy was respectful to you the entire date, not doing anything that might make you uncomfortable. 

After dinner, some slow music started playing and Macy offered her hand to you. You both danced for a long time. It wasn't perfect. It was messy with you stepping on her feet and her laughing at how flustered you were. The entire night was filled with laughter and a comfortable atmosphere. As the night got colder, she gave you her coat and took you home, dropping you off. (It doesn't matter if you're a boy! She'd give you her coat no matter what lol)

First Kiss-

Macy remained respectful to you for the first few dates as she didn't want to scare you. However, you were getting a bit upset as you didn't kiss yet. Macy didn't realize it until Anna pointed it out to her. 

One day, you guys were on an ice skating date. Macy didn't know how to ice skate and neither did you so you both were just laughing and falling on the ice, slipping. You guys were holding hands so one time, when you were about to fall, Macy pulled you close to her body and hugged your waist to keep you steady. As you both paused for a moment, gazing into each other's eyes, Macy leaned in and kissed you. 

Surprised, you froze for a hot second before kissing back. You both kissed for a few moments, forgetting you were still on the ice, and slipped again, falling right away. Soft laughter erupted from you too as Macy and you sat up. She pecked your lips again and smiled. 

"Finally", You smiled back. Macy laughed and rested her forehead on yours. 

"Sorry for the wait".

What the orphanage thinks of you-

They love you. If you're good with kids, they enjoy playing with you and how you always smile at them. You didn't discriminate against them and they all had a genuinely fun time with you. If you aren't good with kids, they love how hard you try to entertain them. YOu may not be able to play with them, but you always protect them from bullies and worry like a mother when they get hurt. They know you care about them and they love you just the way you are. And no matter how you are with them, they mainly love you because you're the reason Macy's smiling so happy again. 

A song she wrote about you-

Every lyric in this song was written about what she thinks of your future together. To Macy, you will be her first and last relationship if possible. She loves you more than anyone in this world. 

Will she ever hurt you/cheat?-

No. Macy knows better than anyone how it feels to be left out or forgotten or ignored. She knows how much it hurts to have the person you care about not pay attention to you. Macy would always try to show how much she pays attention to you by noting down the little things. Unless she was forced to, Macy would never cheat. 

Although Macy's level-headed, she could be just as clueless and hopeless as Marinette when it comes to love, so there might be times where you'll have to make the first move, but I'm sure she'll take the lead from there. Macy might also hesitate to be intimate with you as she doesn't want to scare you or make you uncomfortable, which is why she always waits for your initiative.

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