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The sound of horses hooves took Robin out of the trance he had been placed into by the girl a few metres in front. Constance turned to face him with fear in her eyes as she rose from her knees. "Is that them?" Robin nodded and pulled Constance along. Robin's strength caught her off guard and her handkerchief slid for her grip onto the muddy ground. Robin gave her no chance to pick it up as he hid the two of them behind the large waterfall from which they had just escaped through. The vines provided good cover for them but allowed the pair to see their surroundings.

Constance's eyes were still on the once pure white cotton fabric that had now been stained with mud. "Robin my handkerchief." Constance pointed to where it sadly lay and the boy beside her panicked a little. "There's nothing we can do now, with any luck they'll ride straight past and not notice. We can't risk being seen." Constance nodded but her nerves were still evident, especially when she started biting her fingernails.

The thundering noise of the horses cantering was getting closer and closer... The two huddled together attempting to stay as calm as possible. Constance was still gnawing away at her fingernails until Robin's hand enclosed around hers causing her to stop. Her eyes were still focused outside but she squeezed his hand regardless. Robin was pressed against her back, his free hand on her shoulder and his head tilted to get a better view of what was going on.

Suddenly... one horse sped past. Then another, and then two more after that. Both Robin and Constance released a sigh that neither of them knew they were holding in. The two smiled at each other but then realised how close they were and that led to the pair practically jumping away from each other. Constance was the first to try and get rid of the awkward silence by beginning to walk out into the outside world once again but was quickly interrupted. "Well, I suppose we can leave no-" Constance felt a hand snake around her waist and another hand cover her mouth. She began to thrash and squeal but was turned to face the person and she sighed in relief.

She was about to ask what on earth that was for? However, Robin raised a finger to his lips before pointing outside. Constance could not see anything at first but then a large figure dressed in the all too familiar black attire had come back. He tugged the reigns and the poor horse he rode and it reared in protest whilst crying out. The overly large man dismounted the tawny coloured horse and strode down the incline that led to the riverside which Robin and Constance had once sat.

The man's dark eyes locked onto what the Merryweather girl had feared most. Despite being hidden by the waterfall Robin sent the man daggers. He already despised him but that was now beginning to morph into loathing. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The pair hiding listened carefully as it was difficult due to the crashing water. "Oi, you lot. She's close. The one we were sent for anyway."  Robin and Constance looked at each other confused. They must have already figured out that she had escaped. That was quicker than either of them thought.

They both watched the man march back up to his mount and set off west which could only lead to one place. They were going to either get caught, or Robin would be seen helping the De Noir's sworn enemy. "Robin, you need to turn back now before you are seen with me." His brows furrowed in confusion. "You don't have a clue where you're going and you aren't well so you can get that idea out of your head. We are staying together until I get you home. Plus, your sister might come after me and I really don't need that." He tried to joke at the end but Constance was still stressed. "But-" Robin shook his head and cut her off. "No more trying to tell me what to do. I won't listen. Besides there are plenty of entrances into your estate." Robin laughed at the reaction he got from Constance. "I'm not even surprised that you know. It must be because I am such wonderful company." She countered with a smug look to top it off. "Hah, you wish!" Robin couldn't think of another reply because she was mostly right... as usual.

Moonbeam - A Robin De Noir Story (The Secret of Moonacre)Where stories live. Discover now