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Constance had discovered her new passion. Horse riding. As Forget-me-not carried her forward, she could not describe the thrill. Maria was a few paces behind, but her elder sister was next to her Uncle as her precious mare comfortably cruised beside Atlas despite his powerful long legs. "Every Merryweather can ride, Constance. And you seem to have picked it up exceptionally fast. I hope you come to enjoy this new hobby, there is no better way to see the valley in my opinion."

"It certainly is pleasant Uncle. I never would have had the chance to do this if it was not for you. So... thank you." Sir Benjamin had to admit he had not been the most inviting host. It had partly been because the girls resembled his brother in so many ways, especially the eldest who is impulsive, quick-tempered and ridiculously stubborn. However, she also held very admirable traits like her intelligence, kindness, integrity, and devotion to her family.

The other side was his own pride. With matters that happened in his past, he had promised to shut himself off from the world but then everything got thrown onto him with such speed. He then realised he was holding them accountable for quarrels with his brother that never got resolved, as they were the last living tie to him. He felt ashamed at that moment. He needed to change.

"Moonacre has many opportunities for you and your sister. It is up to you to grasp them with a firm hand. Things in the country are not the same as where you are from. It is a simpler and happier life. It is a shame you are only discovering that now." Constance nodded her head in agreement. "At least Maria will have a few years growing up here to enjoy herself." He then glanced down at the girl before saying. "And so will you, I will make sure of that." The elder Merryweather girl smiled up at her Uncle happy to see him being so benevolent. Perhaps it's the outside air, she thought.

"Uncle, you don't have to tell me, but who lives in that Castle on the other side of the wood that I can see from my window?" He knew this question would arise sooner rather than later as all Merryweathers are curious beings, but he couldn't help but hesitate. He took that book away for a reason, he didn't want her head to be filled with the story it told. "That's where the De Noir fort is. Even from that distance, they are still too close for my liking. Trust me when I say this Constance. That family and their followers are dangerous, and I set the boundaries up for yourself and your sister for a good reason."

"I understand Uncle. You only want to protect us, we are family of course and that is what we do." Despite them being blood relations, he was shocked to hear her consider him family and deep down within him he appreciated the statement despite it only being small. "I couldn't protect your father, the least I can do is keep his girls safe." Constance dared to let go of the reins with one hand to place a hand on her Uncle's arm – as she couldn't reach his shoulder – and sent him a soft smile before gripping the leather bridle once again.

"I was meaning to ask you yesterday, but it slipped my mind why are the staff so secretive? I know we have met Digweed but I've yet to meet the lovely kitchen staff. Also, the gardener you employ is very strange. Did you tell him to not speak to me? It's just he won't come out. He seems shy or like he should not be there. I only spoke to him by chance."

Sir Benjamin had lost his cool at that moment not at her but the thought of someone on his property. His chef did not come out of his kitchen or quarters and the only other member of household staff was Digweed. "What gardener?" He asked trying to remain calm to not put her at unease. "Robin. The one who is always in the rose garden, although I think someone should maybe give him some advice." He did not know anyone by the name of Robin and nobody apart from the manor's staff members should be on his property. His eyes darkened as it registered. The De Noir bandits.

"I don't want you going out there unaccompanied again for the time being." Constance's features suddenly turned glum. She loved it there. "Why not Uncle? I hope I didn't get him into trouble!" She looked panicked at the thought that she might have caused Robin some trouble with her Uncle. "You've not done anything wrong. It's him. I don't wish to alarm you Constance, but I don't employ a gardener and I certainly don't have anyone by the name of Robin in my service." Her eyes widened in shock. "So, who was I talking to?"

Moonbeam - A Robin De Noir Story (The Secret of Moonacre)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें