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It was safe to say that after reading the remainder of the book, that their Father had given them, Maria was just as unsettled if not more than Constance. As soon as the elder of the two Merryweathers closed the book the younger was up on her feet frantically scouring the room for any pieces of paper and ink her sister had. Once finding what she wanted, Maria hastily sat on top of the stool by Constance's dressing table and then proceeded to dump her items down messily. Constance watched how Maria carelessly let some droplets of ink drip onto her pristine white desk area which made her feel as fiery as her hair.

"What on earth do you think you are doing! You had better clean that up once you have finished whatever important task it is you are doing! If it doesn't come off you can paint over it yourself!" Maria did not care in the slightest and fanned her hand at her sister whilst shushing her loudly not even bothering to look. Constance huffed from frustration. What a difference mere minutes make. One moment they were laughing the next the pair were arguing. "It is times like these I wonder why I have the burden of putting up with a sister like you." She practically growled but once again Maria was oblivious. "If you don't mind, I am trying to work something out.... Oh, and likewise by the way!" Constance could not prevent her mouth from falling agape in shock and yet her sister had outdone her. She could not think of one come back so, she decided to retreat back to her base, her bed.

Constance listened to the quiet mutterings of Maria as they were her only source of information as her sister was clearly in no sharing mood. She thought that her sibling was drawing silly pictures at first however she then realised that Maria was actually drawing the moon cycle which they had learnt about whilst still in the city. "Three hundred and... eighty-four years... times thirteen for the moons per annum... plus one, two, three, four, five six, seven moons for this year... That's... That makes...four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine."

Maria dropped the pen onto her neat works and turned so quickly Constance was sure she would have neck pain for the rest of the day. "Constance, the next moon that rises will be the 5000th moon! What are we going to do?" The elder girl was taken aback. Her sister had shocked her with her cleverness. But she was also terrified of what she had just found out. "I don't know Maria, I really don't know..." Constance was beginning to go into her daydream world but Maria was on her feet and shaking her sister's shoulders. "We can't just do nothing! I don't want anything to happen to you Constance!"

The two embraced one another tightly. Constance did not know what to say. She did not want to know the extent of what the word sacrifice meant in the storybook. She could not place any more loss onto her sister, Miss Heliotrope or even her Uncle for that matter. Maria shot back and was jumping on her toes. "I know! Let's get out of Moonacre, nothing happened while we were in the city, maybe we can buy some more time if we go back for a while?" As much as Constance wanted to escape, she shook her head. "And where will we go from there? We lost our home remember, that is how we ended up here in the first place."

"It does not matter! We will figure it out when we get there, I'm going to pack a small bag. You need to as well Constance. We will sneak out just before lunch to avoid everyone!" And with that, she was gone as quickly as she had arrived. There was no possible way Maria's plan was going to work. We have nowhere to go, we probably would not even make it halfway before running out of supplies. She thought. Constance hoped that her plan would disappear quickly. Perhaps they just need to attempt this ridiculous idea so that Maria can see for herself it won't work. What's the worst that can happen her mind asked.

The eldest Merryweather leapt into action. She could not head out in her nightdress and gown so her first step was to change into something suitable for their adventure. Constance had not realised how much of the specific "Merryweather blue" she had in her wardrobe. It was a strange coincidence but she loved the colour anyway. Her fingers gripped the marble effect material and pulled it out to place on her bed. This dress was one that did not get to be worn often simply due to Miss Heliotrope not liking it. She had once commented on how Constance was begging to be mugged due to the amount of jewellery. The only thing her governess did like about the gown was how high it reached. The netting fit snuggly around her neck and obviously did not allow any eyes to wander where they should not hence Miss Heliotropes like. Another coincidence of the gown besides its colour was that the bodice itself was adorned with three strands of pearls that hung down elegantly. Constance presumed this was what her governess was referring to when discussing "mugging".

Moonbeam - A Robin De Noir Story (The Secret of Moonacre)Where stories live. Discover now