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The shock had finally settled, and Constance truly began to tremble. "Good heavens, Maria are you alright?" The elder sister clutched her close in her arms before pulling away and checking her for any scratches or bruises. Maria rolled her eyes seemingly unfazed at what had just happened. "I'm fine Constance, stop fussing."

The two girls turned their attention to the dog beside them who was now happily sitting down with his gentle hazel eyes watching them. His mouth was ajar allowing his tongue to poke out as he panted happily. Constance mustered up the courage within her and knelt beside him, carefully moving her hand forwards to brush it against his soft fur. He gladly allowed her in fact, he leant into her touch. Her Uncle's words played in her mind "you are Merryweathers, he very probably won't harm you."

At first, she had been afraid. The angry red eyes and sharp teeth that snapped when she would enter the room had of course put her at unease, but now as she sat beside him the feeling of love and protection warmed her body. She knew now he would never hurt her. "Constance?" At the sound of her sister's voice, she glanced up to see a puzzled looking Maria who still clutched the delicate hare in her arms. "What's wrong Maria?"

The younger Merryweather sister ran her fingertips through the fine strands of hair of the precious creature she held close as she spoke. "I'm just a little confused. What do you think they wanted? called one of them by their name! Robin, I think you said? How did you know it?"

Constance sighed loudly lowering her head back to Wrolf, she did not really feel like talking about it. She felt humiliated. How could he play her for such a fool? No. She did know. He was a De Noir, no doubt sent to spy on her. Constance did not truly understand her Uncle's concern an hour ago but now it was crystal clear.

"Maria-" she shook her head unable to continue. "I'll tell you later, let's get out of here." Her sister tried to protest but Constance would have none of it. Upon seeing her stand up Wrolf began to stride down the leafy path they had once entered through, turning his head as if to tell them to follow him. Constance of course did not argue. Maria followed along, scuffing her boots lazily against the forest floor in a huff as she walked.

The younger sibling had come out of the ambuscade far worse than her elder sister. Her fiery curly hair, which once hung tidily down her back, had now knotted and was sticking up on top of her scalp. It would seem that Robin had gone easy on her. It was still a dishonourable act in Constance's eyes and one that could not be justified.

As she tread carefully through the tall grass her mind pondered as to the reason for the ambush. Surely it was not done for fun. The gang was intent on taking Constance and her sister to their lair, which was apparent from the several times they had assaulted them and their governess. No matter how hard she tried to come up with a sensible reason she could not fathom one. Maybe they are just a bunch of wild, insensitive scoundrels who have nothing better to do, she thought to herself.

Thankfully after a short time the two girls, the injured hare and their loyal four-legged companion had made it back into the clearing where their two horses still waited happily. Periwinkle was laying down contently amongst the daisies while Forget-me-not stood munching on the pasture. Upon hearing them returning both horses' ears perked upwards, and they turned their focus towards their riders.

Maria was now walking beside her sister making sure to lift her feet higher as she walked through the fine strands of grass. "What are we going to tell our Uncle?" she asked her elder sister. She knew they would not have gotten into such a troubling situation if she would have just listened and stopped. Stubbornness ran in the family though.

Constance knew that they were going to get into a lot of trouble with their Uncle if he knew of the shenanigans that had occurred that afternoon. "I suppose what he doesn't know won't hurt him." Maria let out a soft laugh beside her sister with a wide smile across her soft-featured face. "I thought you were going to snitch on me!" Now it was Constance's turn to laugh with glee. "Perhaps if we were in the city I might have, just so I could get myself out of being reprimanded by Miss Heliotrope. But not here. Us Merryweather girls have to stick together right?" Maria nodded happily. And as quick as they had arrived the two were reunited with their noble steeds.

Moonbeam - A Robin De Noir Story (The Secret of Moonacre)Where stories live. Discover now