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Constance still lay in her large bed that seemed to drown her in the sheets. Robin had carefully manoeuvred himself in through the window and quickly surveyed the room before looking at the sleeping girl in front of him. 

The open shutters allowed the moonlight to dance across her pale face bringing life back to her features. Robin carefully walked forwards for two reasons. The first was that he did not want to make a racket to alarm anyone who may be on the floors below. The second reason was the feeling that he had felt back when he was in her city townhouse sneaking around, he felt he was invading her privacy as she slept soundly. In fact, he did not just feel it, he knew that he was.

Her hands rested on top of one another and were almost a grey colour. He reached his own hand out and the sudden touch made him flinch. Her hands were like ice. The least that Merryweather Uncle of hers could have done was place her hands inside the cover of her sheets, he thought. He extended his other hand and brought her own into his trying to bring some warmth back. Happy with what he had accomplished in mere minutes Robin carefully removed his hands and turned his back to the girl in order to fully take in the room.

There was not one comparison that he could find between Constance's room as well as his own. His was dark and unwelcoming whereas hers was warm and was somewhere any person would be happy to sit and waste the day away. Even in the candlelight the golden ascents of the room shone and dazzled the wandering eye. His eyes landed on the dressing table. Immediately he spotted the familiar music box and could not help the smirk that appeared on his face. Beside it sat a book which he knew all too well. His mind wondered as to why it had suddenly appeared, he recalled Constance mentioning that her Uncle had taken it away from her.

The last thing that sat atop her neat desk was a hair comb that he had seen Constance wear often. Beside it lay a single jewel and his eyes widened in realisation when he got closer. "A pearl?" he said aloud. His hand reached for it but soon froze in its place. "My mother gave me that when I was very young." Her voice was quiet but seemed much louder due to the silence that had drowned the room prior."

Robin had quickly turned around eyes meeting the tired ones of Constance. "You're awake." His feet moved quickly towards the bed and he knelt down beside her as she nodded. Constance could see the pity in his eyes and immediately felt self-conscious. She felt exactly how she knew she looked and knowing Robin was seeing her that way made her even feel far worse. "What are you doing here Robin?" She asked as she pulled the bed sheet up to her shoulders in a way to hide. Robin noticed this and again he was reminded he should not be there. "I wanted to check on you. I heard what happened..." Robin's words trailed at the end as he looked down not sure if she wanted to talk about the situation.

"I'm fine..." she spoke before an awkward silence fell over the room. Constance's eyes never left the bed sheet that rested under her chin and Robin found the dust in the air very interesting. "What actually happened?" She asked him timidly. Her mind was chaos trying to piece everything together. She was not entirely sure why she had even considered asking him, she supposed it was because she always felt he was spying on her family matters.  

Robin's eyes shot up and met her scared ones. "You don't remember?" He saw her shake her head and he nodded. "I only know what I'm told. Apparently, you were with your Uncle but were not feeling too well and... well you got all flustered and were unconscious. I presume you have been up here all day as he brought you in. That's all I know, it was not me scouting today." Constance's hands appeared from behind the cover and she buried her head within them.

Robin did not know what to do. He had never been in a situation such as this and as stereotypical as it may seem his crew members along with himself had never let a single tear fall down their faces whether that be from emotion or injury. This was completely new territory for him. He reached out a hand and was unsure where to place it. He decided on her left shoulder. He was glad when she did not flinch at his touch. Her hands dropped slowly as she looked intently at him. To add to her deathly look, she now had puffy red eyes. "Why did that happen? I was fine yesterday."  Robin knew. But he did not want to put it bluntly. "Will you let me read to you?"

Moonbeam - A Robin De Noir Story (The Secret of Moonacre)Where stories live. Discover now