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Constance's scream bounced from the walls of the cave for several seconds before fading away into the silence again. In her panic, the eldest Merryweather had pushed her sister back. Constance stood face to face with a hooded woman. Despite being terrified she felt a strange sense of déjà vu towards the strange woman. Constance was certain she had seen her before but could not place where or when.

The woman removed her hood fully and it showed her golden matted hair. Despite her wild appearance the wide smile she sent was warm and inviting which seemed to help Constance relax by a small amount. She had concluded that this woman was of no real danger to herself or her sister yet she was not entirely at ease either. Maria stepped forward to break the awkward silence despite the tug on her sleeve from Constance. "Who are you?" she asked firmly yet received no answer, just a small smile and a signal to follow her through what looked to be a tunnel.

"She looks just like the lady in the painting outside our rooms." The younger Merryweather said lowly. Once Constance had heard what Maria had whispered the realisation hit. She could now recall why the woman seemed so familiar. Before the elder Merryweather could say anything in return the pair heard the strange lady softly call out to them. "Come along." Those two words were all she said before vanishing behind one of the large cave walls.

Constance did not want to go in there but it would seem her sister had other ideas. "Maria, will you please stop wandering off all the time." Constance was not surprised when she was ignored, it was a frequent thing that happened to her. The consequences of Maria's actions never fell upon her. No, poor Constance had to deal with everything. Once again, the older girl tailed glumly behind making sure to be an arm's length away at all times.

Maria stopped suddenly due to the strange sight before her and to make things stranger her sister was peering over her shoulder trying to get a better look. "Won't you move forward Maria? I do not particularly like being in the darkness of a cave." The younger girl did as her sister requested and now, they both stood in the open doorway which allowed them to take in the sight before them. "Oh, do come in!" The unnamed woman called to the pair as she set her cloak down on a branch that seemed to form a natural hanger.

With her cape removed Constance was able to take in the crimson red gown that she wore. The overall look was simple. Much like the place she appeared to call home, the dress the woman wore seemed to be taken over by nature itself. The sleeves looked like cobwebs and the lines across the bodice looked like gashes where the fabric had been torn but at a closer glance, it was just vines.

The two Merryweathers awkwardly walked into the room unsure of where to go. Maria was exceptionally nosey and did not even attempt to hide it. She was poking her nose around wherever she could. Her eyes trailed the walls to see what mysteries hung there. Constance on the other hand was a different case. She could not quite get over the fact that they were in a strange lady's house... in a cave... in a forest. As always Constance followed Maria sheepishly around and both girls noticed the same thing at exactly the same moment. The exact moonlight grey dress which had been left for the elder of the Merryweather girls on her first morning lay neatly folded on the large chest which sat at the end of the woman's bed.

Constance felt her stomach drop. "I don't like this one bit Maria. We need to leave." She whispered and for once her sister nodded in agreement. They took the opportunity to escape while the woman's back was turned. Despite being overly quiet they were still caught. "Oh no, please don't leave. I'm sorry if I frightened you!" The siblings froze only a few steps from the narrow doorframe. "Are you the L on the dresses that randomly show up in our rooms?" Constance asked and the woman nodded as she lowered down into an armchair. "My name is Loveday."

"How do you keep getting into our home?" Maria questioned. It seemed Loveday was hesitant to answer and as much as she willed herself to speak, nothing could escape her lips. "I need to show you both something." Not a moment longer did she stay in that chair. She was immediately on her feet and sauntered towards a large mirror hanging on the wall roughly in the centre of the room.

Moonbeam - A Robin De Noir Story (The Secret of Moonacre)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora