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Seasons Greetings lovely readers! I cannot believe we have reached the 25th of December already! Where has this year gone?! I hope you are all having a wonderful day whatever you are celebrating. This chapter has taken me ages to write and edit so I hope you enjoy it. Consider this my gift to you all! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support and love you continue to show this story, it really does mean everything xx

The towering medieval structure had served its purpose in terms of scaring onlookers, especially when it came to the Merryweather girls. Despite their nerves, the pair had decided to carry on, or rather Maria had decided upon that.

Constance's mind was in absolute chaos. The scenarios playing through her head was causing her to panic. She was also giving herself a headache with all the troubling thoughts. Maria had no idea where she was going and decided that the best strategy was to simply walk and hope for the best. All the two knew was that they needed to reach the castle entrance.

So far, the sisters had walked up a steep grassy incline to where the lower entrance of what seemed to be a bustling village was. Both Maria and Constance were trying exceedingly hard to blend in however the pair stuck out like sore thumbs as they were wearing the signature Merryweather blue amidst the black and burgundy which seemed to be the De Noir clan's colours of choice. Now that she thought about it, Constance realised that Robin did always wear red and black clothes. Her cheeks nearly flushed that same red colour when she realised, he was on her mind yet again.

The lower town itself was made up of log buildings and small tents. Villagers stood under their cover whilst calling out to gain passers-by attention. It appeared that they had come through the market. This was either a very good place to be or the polar opposite. Maria seemed to think that due to the number of people looking at the stands they would be able to hide easily. Not that they needed to.

Seconds later, Constance had the biggest scare and she was sure her heart jumped from her chest. A group of guards who stood unsteadily outside of what looked to be the tavern were looking straight at them and the moment she heard their slurs towards each other she knew that they were under the influence of some form of a beverage she did not even dream of consuming.

Constance's hand was firmly in her sister's as she wanted to do her best to keep her safe. The pair continued on by ignoring the guards completely which seemed to work as they returned to the drinks in their hands. The two girls puffed and panted to get up the rocky pathway which led them to a patrolled barricade only unlocked by the guard on duty. Just when they thought their luck could not get any worse the two girls turned to see the cause of the load commotion happening behind them. The same group of brutes were clambering up the hill only metres behind them.

Constance and Maria sped up the hill and were tempted to run when they noticed that the guard who watched the gate had his back turned to them due to fiddling with the large chain of keys in his hands. He was opening the main gate ready for the men behind them to go through. "The way in must be through there otherwise it would not be guarded. We can follow in behind this group." Constance said to her sister. Maria did not get the chance to object or ask any form of a question.

The two darted behind a few barrels that were standing to the side of the gate. It was well hidden, easy to get out from and they could see and hear everything from this spot. Thankfully the sober guard had not heard the two girls to the side of him and by the time he had turned around whilst pushing the gate open, they were ducked down.

Several of the tipsy guards clung onto one another as they walked up the hill and through the gate unable to keep in a straight line. The clear-headed guard remarked on how they would all be reprimanded for their behaviour but he did not care. In fact, he was taking this as his daily entertainment.

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