“Mat, you're alright!” I heard Killian voice. I took comfort in his voice and even though my body was stiff I stopped fighting. He let go of my wrist and I groaned, bringing my hands up to my forehead. I saw something but darkness. I felt gauze wrap around my eyes with some padded covering my eye and that must have been why. I started to pull the gauze and padding but Killian grabbed my hands, “Wait.”

“What?” I questioned as I sat up quickly. I started to unwrap the gauze, “Why? They stuff is annoying on my face. I can't see.”

“Mat.” he said, taking a deep breathe. I pulled the padding off and everything was blurry. I saw Killian figure in front of me but he was so blurry and faded I hardly could see him. “The nightshade—it causes allot of damage to your eyes.”

My heart raced quickly in chest and my hands reached out towards him. He brought his hands up to mine and I cried out, “What happened to me!” I cried out in fear. “I'm blind! Oh, my god!”

“You're not blind.” I heard a woman voice on my right and my eyes quickly turned that way. “You were hit in the forehead near your eyes with nightshade AKA belladonna which would have burned your eyes if you were a normal wolf but since you have wild blood your soul was able to protect your body and sight from losing it completely. It's temporary.”

“I still can't see!” I yelled, bring my hands up to my face. I cried out, “Oh god! I can't see! How can this be happning?” I started to stand up but I lost my balance. Killian caught me in his arms and my eyes stungs with tears but I held them back. It's hard news to wake up and learn your almost blind! Everything is so blurry and I could hardly make anything out. I don't care if it's temporary, it's still scary as hell!


“They aren't hunters.” Nate said, answering my questions. “At least not the hunters we believe they are."

“What other kind of hunters can there be?” I coldly asked.

“Hundreds and hundreds of years ago yes there was hunters but once we went into hidding we became just stories legends. That was a long time and they vanished along with us. There humans were taking blood samples as what we could find at the camp. My guess—scientist. Our secrets is becoming exposed.” he said, sighing heavily. “We just don't know who spelling our secrets or how they found out. These people must have been working with them, doing their dirty work by getting our blood. They must know nightshade is deadly for us and tried to kill most of y'all.”

“Why us?” I coldly said. “They didn't kill any of us with it luckily but they destroyed our camp!”

“That must have been their suspicion. A large group of people camping out in a Texas wood? They must have found out somehow.” he said. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head back, “You're eyes are stuck sapphire and amber.”

I pulled away groaning, “Damn—damn—damn humans!” I growled out angerily.

“Whoa there, Mat. Remember you use to be one.” he sarcastically said, making me smack my tongue against my teeth.

I placed my hands on the table and lifted myself up, “That healing doctor Katarina says it's temporary and should heal slowly itself in matters of couple of weeks. How am I suppose to lead my pack now when I'm ninety-seven percent blind!” I coldly said. I groaned heavily as I stepped away, “God, I'm pathetic. I'm a shitty Alpha.”

“Mat, stop it.” Nate said. “It's not like you did it yourself—”

“I can already hear the others laughing at me.” I said, snorting. I referred to the other Alphas, the Alphas who don't believe I will last more than a year. They think even though I have wild strength I'm not good enough and I felt so weak right now. I crossed my arms over my chest, “They'll call me a failure. God!” I groaned against as I brought my hands up to my face feeling ashamed. “Did you tell them?”

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now