The Battle of New York (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down!" I called out into my earpiece

"Do it!" I heard Steve shout back.

"No, wait!" I then heard Tony call back.

"Stark, these things are still coming!" Steve argued.

"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute, and I know just where to put it." I stared at Natasha and quickly handed her the scepter as I ran back towards the landing pad and stared up at the sky. I had a dreadful feeling that this wasn't going to end well.

"Stark, you know that's a one way trip," I heard Steve say solemnly. Yup, I was right. This was not going to end well. I turned back towards Natasha.

"Make sure no one else decides to do something stupid," I told her as I unfurled my wings. I bit my lips against the sharp pains that shot through my back as I quickly examined them. The holes had mostly closed up, but it was still going to be iffy.

"Your about to do something stupid yourself," Natasha pointed out as she quirked her brows at me and crossed her arms.

"I'm allowed to do stupid stuff, you and the others are not," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I had no idea why I felt so protective of the others considering how little time we had actually gotten to spend together but maybe it was just because they were the first faces I had seen that weren't Hydra? Who knows. I walked over to the very edge of the landing pad and nervously peered down. It was a good thing I wasn't scared of heights considering how high up we were, but I was extremely nervous about the durability of my wings in their current state.

As Iron Man flew by, my enhanced sight caught Thor and Cap looking to the sky. I watched as Tony redirected the missile, barely missing Stark Tower, and pushed it up towards the portal. I launched myself off of the tower and did my best not to scream as I plummeted straight to the ground. I flapped my wings hard and just barely managed to stop myself from slamming into the pavement.

I clenched my jaw as I pushed hard against the wind, rising slowly into the sky in a very jagged path towards where Tony was aiming the nuke.

I managed to follow him through the hole in the sky and stared in shock at my first glimpse of outer space. If I hadn't been so focused on making sure Tony made it out alive, I would have stayed here for hours just staring at all the stars.

I watched with worry as Iron Man let the nuke go as all the lights in his suit went out. I darted  forward, somewhere in the back of my head, realizing that apparently my wings worked even in outer space (which was probably good to know for the future) and I wrapped myself and my wings around Tony and together we watched as the missile hit the Chitauri mother ship and exploded, the blast sending us flying backwards back towards the hole. Seeing as the heat from the blast had seared my already injured wings, I could only use our natural flight path and momentum to ensure that we made it back through the portal before it closed.

"It's going to be okay, Tony, I've got you," I whispered as we stared in horror as the ground rushed towards us.

I did my best to slow down our descent but my wings had taken too much of a beating and were pretty much useless at this point. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Thor and the Hulk trying to reach us but they were too far away and I knew they weren't going to be able to reach us in time.

I wrapped myself tighter around Tony, knowing that at least my injuries would heal whereas his might not, and prepared for the impact.

I bit down so hard that I split my lip as we hit the ground and rolled over and over. I made sure to keep a tight grip on the Iron Man suit in my arms until we finally came to a stop. I released him with a groan as I blinked blearily up at him. My entire body was aching and covered in all kinds of bruises. I was pretty sure I had broken my arm and a few ribs as well. I tried to stand up, but immediately saw the ground rushing towards me again before a pair of strong arms caught me.

"If you keep catching me, I'm going to have to put you on the payroll," I mumbled to Steve as he laid me down gently, with my head resting in his lap.

"There'd be no need to pay me, ma'am, I'd catch you for free any time," he said grinning down at me, though I could see the worry in his eyes.

"What did I say about calling me ma'am" I complained as I rolled my eyes and tried to sit up. He forced me back down. "How's Tony, is he alright?" I asked instead.

"I'm fine, sweetheart, thanks to you!" I heard someone say. I looked over to my right to see Tony kneeling down next to me. He had removed his face plate and was staring at me with the same worried expression as Steve. I lifted my hand up and placed it on top of his arc reactor which was thankfully pulsing steadily and glowing as bright as ever.

"You, Tony Stark, are a complete idiot," I told him. He chuckled but didn't disagree as I turned back to look at Steve. "And you Steve Rogers, were wrong." He raised an eyebrow at me, clearly confused about what he had been wrong on, so I clarified for him. "Tony is most definitely the kind of guy to lay down on a wire," I started to say before glancing back at Tony, before finishing my sentence, "even though he is smart enough to know which wire to cut," I hissed out. I groaned as I tried to sit up again only for Tony to push me back down, as Natasha, Thor, Bruce (now shifted back into his human form), Clint, and the guy in the spider outfit came up to us.

"Hi!" I said waving to the newcomer. "I never did get your name! Mine's Alexa, though you can call me Lexi if you want," I said, smiling at him as he glanced around to make sure we were alone before pulling off his mask.

"Hey, I'm Peter, Peter Parker," he said with a blush.

"Thanks for catching me earlier, Peter," I said as I once again tried and failed to sit up. Which then got me started on a coughing fit and I had to roll over on my stomach before I started dry heaving. I stared at the ground as I realized I was coughing up blood. Well that can't be good, I thought to myself. I glanced up at everyone but found that my vision was going blurry and their faces were starting to fade in and out.

"Hey, what happened to her hair?" I heard Peter ask. Huh? I reached up and lifted a strand of my hair to my eyes, squinting as I tried to make it out against my blurred vision. I could barely see at this point but I could tell that it had gone from white back to its original dark brown.

"Well fuck," I said before passing out.

3rd Person POV

The avengers (along with Spider-Man) stared down at the girl in front of them as they started to watch the glamour fade. Thor gently rolled her over and there was a round of gasps from everyone as they recognized her.

"Oh my god, Skye!" Natasha cried out.

"Skye, who's Sky?" Thor, Peter, and Bruce asked at the same time.

"Our soulmate," Tony said as he bent down and carefully lifted his soulmate into his arms and headed towards the tower. He knew she would be able to heal on her own, but wanted her to heal away from the cameras in private.

"Your soulmate? But lady Lexi is my soulmate," Thor boomed out confused as the rest of the group trailed after Tony, all wanting explanations.

Brief Summary: I didn't really know what to write for this part so I figured I'd just give a brief summary though if you readers do want me to write a scene out for this then let me know and if enough people want it I will add it in eventually. Basically they set her up in the couch in Tony's lab, go upstairs and apprehend Loki, and then go back upstairs to the main floor where they tell Thor, Bruce and Peter about Skye helping them escape from Hydra then disappearing on them and then running into her again at the Hub and realizing that she might not know what her soulmate marks say and therefore have no idea about their connection. They then apologize to Tony for not having told him sooner that they were in contact with Skye, Tony is of course upset at first but then gets distracted when they show him the phones she designed for them.

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