Cherry II (Tom) 🍒

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"Shocking news today as actor Tom Downey has been rushed to hospital. He collapsed on the set of Cherry and is in a critical condition. The Russo brothers have apologised deeply for the incident and they've said that Tom's family are currently with him in hospital," The TV announcer said and as soon as it finished, Zendaya got out her phone and walked off the set of Euphoria.
"Zendaya," Robert said as he picked up the phone.
"Are you with Tom at the moment?"
"I am."
"And how is he?"
"He's unconscious," Robert said before tears pricked at his eyes. "He almost died... Thank you, for um... calling me when you did."
"What do you mean, he almost died?!"
"His body has been lacking so many nutrients that his heart stopped several times on the way to the hospital."
"Oh my God," Zendaya said as tears filled her own eyes.
"He's stable now, but it was touch and go," Robert said before Zendaya started crying.
"I got you... just in time?"
"You did."
"Zendaya, what's wrong?" Her co-star asked as they came over.
"Tom. He's..."
"Come here," They said before they took Zendaya into their arms and she hung up the phone.

Two days went by, and Robert had napped on every surface in Tom's room. Tom was getting more colour in his face and he was looking much less skeletal than he once did. Robert was making sure to keep Scarlett, Harry and Sam informed on Tom's condition and it was on day three, when Robert had gone to get some fresh air, that Tom finally woke up.
"Robert?" Tom's nurse asked as she came outside to find Robert.
"Yep. That's me."
"Tom's awake."
"What? How's he doing? Is he ok?" Robert asked before they started walking back to the ward.
"He's a bit confused, but that's to be expected. He's also feeling drained and tired, but medically he's doing very well and with continued treatment and observation, we should be able to discharge him next week."
"Oh, that's great news. Thank you so much."
"It's my pleasure. Here we are," The nurse said and Robert went into Tom's room.
"Dad," Tom said as he saw him and Robert sat on his bed and took his hand. Tom was sitting up at 45 degrees and he looked half asleep.
"Hey bud. I've been with you the whole time you've been out ok. I just went outside for a bit of fresh air."
"Yeah... the nurse said."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm tired..."
"You look tired," Robert said with a smile and Tom smiled back.
"What about your body, are you in any pain? Do you need any water?"
"No... I'm ok..."
"How long... have I been out for?"
"Four days. You've been stable, just unconscious."
"I feel... better... than before."
"I was hoping that you would be, especially given the amount of drugs the doctor's have been pumping into you," Robert said and Tom smiled again.
"Yeah... I'm sorry dad..."
"You've got nothing to apologise for Tom."
"I should have... told you earlier..."
"Ok. You should have told us how bad you were before you collapsed."
"Thank you," Robert said before he squeezed Tom's hand. "Apology accepted."
"Thanks... dad," Tom said and Robert smiled before he kissed Tom on his forehead.
"You had us really worried Tom. Me, your mum, Sam and Harry."
"How is... Harry?"
"He's doing really well. He can dress himself now, but he's still on strong pain medication."
"You'll be able to see him soon. I'll be taking you home myself as soon as you're discharged."
"Yeah... I can't wait, to go home."
"I know you can't. Cherry's finished filming too, so you're not going back."
"Yep. I put my foot down. It's about time that your mum and I stood up about you doing films like this."
"Yeah... this one was... really bad..."
"I know. You looked so sick when I arrived. You were just skin and bones."
"Did you tell... mum that?"
"No, of course I didn't. She would have dropped everything and come over too if she knew."
"You... made it sound... like I nearly died."
"You nearly did. The doctor's had to restart your heart three times."
"When you were being transferred to hospital, it was touch and go. That's why I came over so quickly."
"Oh," Tom said before he closed his eyes.
"Are you tired?"
"Ok," Robert replied before he lowered the back of the bed down. "Get some proper rest," He said before he kissed Tom's forehead.
"Thanks dad," Tom whispered back.
"I'm not going anywhere. Except when I go to get some food. But then I'll be right back with you."
"I love you bud. Just try not to snore ok," Robert said, but Tom was already falling asleep.

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