24 ◕ "We need Time" pt2 (🇬🇧 vers)

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"Why? Come back later won't you?, come home with me by car—

"I'll take a taxi," said Kris. Bowed politely to his comrades and headed out the back door.

Because Chanyeol was still glued to the front of the shop staring at him. And Kris is well aware, arguing in the middle of the sidewalk is not something educated people do.


'Sorry.. I'm sorry.  I can explain.. Can you spare your time tomorrow?'

Kris didn't answer right away. He silenced him. Because if Kris is being honest, he's really tired. It's useless talking to Chanyeol, because he will only ask him to understand Joohyuk's situation.



"Why didn't papa scold Chanyeol?"

"Can not"


"He will cry"

"Didn't papa try to talk to Joohyuk?"



Kris rubbed Sehun's head. "If you force him to stop, it's very selfish, Hunnie.. he has the right to love anyone"

"But it's the wrong way, right?"

Kris smiled. He grabbed his son's little hand and kissed the back of his soft hand.

"Those who love always feel right the way they love someone"

“Even if it hurts the person he loves?”

"They won't notice"

Sehun looked into his father's eyes. Then smiled and nodded. "Like papa now, right?"  he said and smiled innocently.

Kris looked at him, he held his breath for a few seconds before he forced a smile and kissed Sehun's hand again, then resumed his story.



Kris met Chanyeol the next day. Chanyeol seemed to be sitting restlessly. Kris in front of him just stared at his lover deeply, without a smile, without any expression on his face.

“About yesterday…”


"When I was about to go home, Joohyuk stopped me and forced me to take him to buy a watch"


Chanyeol looks even paler.  He looked down and fiddled with his fingers on the table.

Kris and Chanyeol are now sitting in the dining room of their apartment. Because they were 'not doing well', the apartment was empty for a week.

Kris returned to his own apartment which was right in Gangnam, and Chanyeol returned to his small apartment again.

“Sunbae, how long will you do your internship there?”

"I don't know," said Kris curtly. His hands were still folded across his chest and his eyes didn't look away from Chanyeol in front of him.

"H-have you eaten?"

Krisyeol; The Immutable TruthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant