Chapter 6: Game? x Past x Revenge

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Netsu POV

"A game?" Gon question after the small silent pass

"If you defeat me I'll let you become hunters right away," Netero said, persuasively.

"I'll play!" Gon jump into the air, excitedly. Immediately, falling into the bait.

"How about it eh?" Netero looks at Killua.

"Fine, I guess," The boy shrugged.

"Sorry, but I'm out. I need sleep.." I yawn tiredly, "But, I'm coming with you guys in case I can't sleep...*yawn*"

"I doubt you'll stay awake," Killua said as we followed Netero. We walk into a room and Netero starts explaining how to play the game. I sat down in the dark corner of the room as I started to doze off. I really hope I won't get woken up, I mean I did take about an hour nap during the second phase but an hour of sleep isn't enough.

I close my eyes as my consciousness drips away.


"I quit!" A shout rang through the darkness of my consciousness as I drifted awake. I heard a little muffled voice, more like the conversation before my brain starts functioning and starts to process what's happening in the room.

"I see.." I heard Killua's voice, "Well, I'm going to bed. Good luck Gon,"

"Wait," I yawn as I open my sleepy eyes.

"Ah! Did we wake you up?" Gon asked as he apologized.

"Nah it's okay," I said, feeling some energy in my tired body.

"Coming with me, Netsu?" Killua asks

"Mmh" I went up to Killua and patted his soft white hair. My eyes open slightly more, feeling the comfy texture of Killua's hair, "You have very soft hair, no wonder I see Gon doing that a lot," I could see Killua's ears turn red as he huffed.

"See you guys!" Gon said as we exited the door. I wave back at Gon.

"How's the game?" I ask, closing the door.

"We couldn't beat him,"

"Figures, he's the chairman after all," I said, patting the boy's head as he playfully slapped my hand away. We continue the rest of the way to the sleeping quarters in silence. On our way, Killua bumped into 2 dudes, we ignored them as we continued on our way.

"Hey boy! Don't ignore us!" The dude said, grabbing onto Killua's shoulder, "At least say, excuse me or sorry!" I was about to help Killua when my instinct rang, telling me not to, and so I listened to my instinct again.

Observing, I could see Killua's eyes turn a bit dull, his fingers and nails become sharper, and a second later. The 2 dude heads flew across the room, with blood spilling and 2 lifeless bodies on the floor within a second.

Killua looked at me, a bit surprised to see me not scared. "You're not scared?" I shook my head.

"I knew it, you killed before anyways...How are you not surprised I killed people?" Killua asked

"Your aura, the aura of an assassin," I replied.

"Huh," Killua said, narrowing his eyes.

"Killua even though you're an assassin. You have free will and you don't have to live up to that expectation from your parents.  There are different types of assassins, but you are not bad. " I smile gently at him, ruffling his white hair, "It is hard but keep on smiling won't ya?" I smile gently at him seeing him pause for a second revealing a small happy smile.

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