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"Y/n come on we need to go see Aizawa and Eri for your memory." Izuku yelled at me as I sat on the couch with Momo.

"Hang on Izu I'm trying to do this." I was trying to paint Momos nails. My hands being to shaky.

"Uh I'm sorry Momo." I said.

"It's ok go with Midoriya." I nodded getting up and running to Midoriya as some girls were walking down the stairs. I didn't fully look or care enough to. I hugged him around his waist and he laughed. He then grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. He then leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

"Come on let's go see if Eri can help speed up your memory gain." I nodded with a smile. He grabbed my hand and we left the dorms.

At Aizawa and Eris dorm.

We walked in and it's bigger then our small rooms. I looked around and there's kids toys everywhere. Izuku grabbed my hand and we walked to on of the side rooms from the living room. It seemed to be a mans bed room.

"Aizawa is talking to Eri and Miro. He told us to wait in here." I nodded sitting on the bed.

"Um are you sure you want to do this? He said that it might be painful." I looked down at my hands.

"Oh did he?." I said getting nervous. He crouched down and held my hands.

"You can always back out. If not I will be right here." I nodded

"I have to if I don't I might not get some things back or anything I will never understand what I did or who I hurt." He hummed and squeezed my hands.

"Ok I promise I will stay the whole time." He smiled softly at me. I nervously nodded.

Then Aizawa and a little girl walked in. She got on the bed with me and Aizawa told me to lay my head in her lap. I did so and Aizawa sat in a chair he brought with him. Izuku stayed and held my hand.

"Ok take a deep breath Y/n everything you experience in your memories you unfortunately will feel." I nodded doing as he said. I closed my eyes and Eri started putting her hands on my temples.

Memory (y/n 5 years old)

I was laying in a dark room in a comfy bed. I looked around and it's midnight. I'm confused why am I up.

" honey what do we do she's quirklesss!" I heard yelling from the other side of my door. Dad?

"I know and I have no idea. You said that she would get one!" I heard my mother's voice on the other side as well.

"Can we just give her up for adoption? I don't need this on my reputation!" My father yelled.

"We are to broke to do that!" My mother yelled back.

"Well we will be forever is what it looks like!" My father yelled.

Then everything went black.

Dekus POV

"Oh I should have known she was going to cry." I said to myself out loud.

"Midoriya with her past it's not just going to be tears. She might be extremely upset and exhausted after this." I nodded at his statement agreeing.

Y/n POV 10 years old.

I was standing in my living room arms crossed. My mother yelling at me. I got into a bad fight with some bad people. My face was covered in blood but I didn't give a shit.

"Why are you doing this to our family!" She yelled at me getting something to throw my way.

"Maybe if you didn't treat me like shit I would be better!" I yelled back. Only because dads not home if I did when he was I would be in worse condition.

This argument went on until my dad got home.

Deku POV

She squeezed my hand tightly and made a pained expression. I held her hand tighter and hopped she was doing ok.

POV Y/n 10 years old

I was in hand cuffs. A police officer bringing me home after my parents not getting me at the station. He knocked and the door open. My father standing tiredly at the door.

"This your daughter Mr. L/n?" The officer asked.

"Unfortunately." My father said glaring at me.

"She was caught with drugs and trying to rob a store with others but they ran off." All my dad did was hum as I was let free.

"Thank you officer." He said gripping my arm.

"No problem you have a good night now." And that was another beating.

Y/n POV 12 years old two years after she left.

I was standing outside a fancy looking building with a hoodie on. I waited there a few minutes and a tall man joined me.

"They are inside." I said looking at my shoes.

"Are you sure about this kid they are your parents." He said trying to look at my face.

"Stain I don't care. They aren't my parents anymore. They beat me and got praised for it. They are hero's so take care of it." I said getting angry that he would question me.

"Ok. I will now get out of here kid." I nodded pushing off the wall and walking down the side walk.

A little while later.

I was watching the news all night waiting to see my ex parents faces and the lady to say that they are dead.

"Breaking news. The number 8 and 5 hero has been attacked by the hero killer. Both were seriously injured. But they are in the hospital in recovery. More news on this matter later." I sat there staring at the Tv. My grip on the remote tightened. I stood and thrown it across the room.

"Fuck! That fucker!"

13 years old.

"Im sorry kid I didn't know he would be treating you like this." The shadowy man said as he sat on my bed beside me. I held a ice pack over my swollen eye.

"I guess it's mostly my fault I failed the mission." I said looking at the ground.

"Ha Y/n no it's not." He said getting up.

"Well I should go. I got you food it's in the kitchen. You should eat something." He said walking to my bedroom door.

"Ok thanks Kurogiri." I said. He sighed shaking his head and closing my door. I sat on my bed trying to not get upset over what happened. I don't understand how I got here. And I don't want to be like this I never did.

The next few memories was nothing but fighting and arguing with people. Not to mention killing hero's. But somethings caught my attention that I completely forgot about.

It was the second time I stayed at Midoriyas. I am injured by Tomura and his mom left to get dinner so he had to take care of my wounds. He was taking care of my face as I sat on the floor. I was looking at his face and all his freckles.

"You have a lot of frekles." His cheeks went pink.

"Um yeah I guess I do. You have some also." My eyes narrowed.

"No I don't." I said because I 100% know I don't.

"Yeah you do right here." He cupped my face and his thumbs caressed my cheek bones. I kinda froze. No one has ever noticed and no one has ever touched me so gently. He got closer and looked me in my eyes.

"You have a brown spot in your eye to." I just looked at him my eyes starting to sting.

"They are all light so you can barely see them. Uh no Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you!" He yelled cupping my cheeks again. I blushed a little. I held a hand to my face and looked down at my lap.

"No no it's fine I'm ok. Just no one's noticed before is all." I said moving his hands off my face.

"Um can you do my back now? It's cold." He nodded and I turned around.

Is that when I?

The rest of my memory was nothing but pain and torture.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now