All Might vs All for one

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(Small time skip. Two days later the day of All Might vs All for one.)

I finally woke up. To a annoying ass beeping. I looked around and I'm in a hospital. I looked the other way and Aizawa is sleeping in a chair while Present Mic is in a chair next to him.


"Hm oh you're awake. Shota has been so worried about you darling."


"Oh that's Aizawas first name."

"Oh. He looks so cleaned up what happened?"

"Oh we have a plan to make the villains think we are not onto them. He is apart of it and he needs to go on Tv."


"Yeah how are you feeling? In any pain?"

"A little."

"Ok I will get a nurse. You stay still you have a lot of stitches."

"Yes sir."

I watched Mic leave and I looked over to Aizawa. He has a suit and tie on. He even cut his hair. He was worried about me also. Why do I feel so bad about that? I looked away because the tears threatened to come.


Oh no here they come.

"Y/n hey hey don't cry."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't say anything to you I didn't know what they would have done if I did!"

"Hey it's ok I know. No one is blaming you. You barely did anything to anyone you're all clear. They did turn on you anyway tho."

"Yeah that fucking bitch! She stabbed me and left me like I was trash."

"Hey Y/n calm down your breathing you will open your stitches."

"Oh yeah."

He helped me calm my breathing. He held my hand as he did. Then Mic came back with a nurse. She gave me some pain killers and then left.

"How long have I been out?"

"Two days."

"Oh. Bakugo?"

"We haven't gotten him yet. We plan to tonight."

"Oh ok."

"How about you rest some more we will get you some food."

"Ok. Thank you."

"Your welcome."

Mic patted my knee and smiled at me. I then fell back to sleep.

Later that night

I woke up to the Tv this time. Aizawa was on it and Mic was sitting next to me watching it.

"Hey Mic."

"Hm oh hey you're awake. Need anything."

"I don't think so."

"Cool. Aizawa went to do the interview he should be back soon."


We watched the Tv but I kept coughing. It slowly got worse and worse. It felt like slim in my throat. Mic patted my back and called for a nurse. Then black goop came out. It started moving and I panicked. I tried to grab and hold Mic but I was gone.

I fell and hit a cold floor. I rolled over and threw up. I sat up and on my knees as I whipped my mouth. But I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Fuck my stitches.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now