Day off

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(Here is a picture I made so you can know what the scar looks like. It's black and white so you can imagine your hair favorite hair color and stuff.)

Izuku's POV

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. mom was making breakfast. I assumed that Y/n had left last night. I heard there conversation and I felt bad. I shouldn't have been mean to her. I walked out my room in my school uniform. Going to get some breakfast. I walked into the living room finding a beat up Y/n on the couch dead asleep in a uncomfortable looking position. Why does it kinda  hurt to see her like that? She had one arm and lag off the couch. The other above her head and her other leg on the back of the couch. The blanket not even on her and she's drooling. I sighed and walked over to her. I moved her more on the couch. I then put the blanket on her.

After I did that I went to the kitchen. My mom was still cooking so I sat down at the table that's close to both the kitchen and living room.

"Morning mom."

"Morning Izuku. Is Y/n awake?"

"No she's still asleep."

"Good. She is not going to school today. I already called your teacher and let him know."


My mom then brought the food to the table. She sat down in front of me as I got some food. She cooked more then usual.



"Why were you mean to her last night?"

"I um."

"Don't lie to me young man."

"All Might told me to stay away."


"I don't know he didn't say."

"Hmm well I don't care what that man says. She is welcome here anytime you understand. If she comes here beat up again and I'm not here you help."

"Yes ma'am."

"Good now wake her up for breakfast. It's the least you can do."


I got up and walked over to the couch. I got on the floor by the couch and gently shook her awake. She freaked out a bit. Her hand went to my throat and the other was in a fist ready to hit me. I put both my hands up.

"Whoa it's ok it's just me."

"Oh yeah right sorry."

"It's ok um breakfast is ready."


She let go and struggled to sit up. I helped her a little by putting a hand on her back. When she was up she shrugged my hand off. I sighed and got up going back to the table. My mom watched as she got up slowly. She slowly walked over and sat at the table with a sigh. She got some food and started eating.

"So Y/n how did you get all beat up honey?"

"Oh um my boss got mad at me."

"Oh my why?"

"I don't obey sometimes."


"Yeah we always fight tho so it's no big deal."

"It is a big deal Kurogiri."

"Coming from the so called hero who wouldn't help me last night."

"Children please don't argue at the table."

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora