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When I was finally let out. I went to my place. Not Midoriyas I feel like I really shouldn't now that he knows. He said he would like to help but what knows what is going on in his head.

It's been a couple days being home and it's hard. Stupid crutches are in the way all the time. I was trying to make a sandwich when the crutch got in the way and I fell down taking everything with me. Some meat fell out the bags and the bread all of it was on the floor. My plate was smashed and my sandwich was in peace's on the floor.

I kicked the cabinet with my broken leg. I screamed and fell more onto the floor. Then my phone started ringing.
I sat up and grabbed it off the counter and answered it.


"Whoa there sweetheart."

"Inko? Oh sorry."

"It's ok. I heard you hurt your leg."

"Yeah. I haven't broke my leg before so I'm struggling a little. Wait how did you get my number? And why are you calling so late."

"Oh um your teacher said he hasn't heard anything from you so he gave me your number. And we had a long night."

"Oh well is everything ok?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to check on you."

"Oh well like I said I'm struggling a little. I just fell down and now my sandwich is on the ground."

"Aww how about you come over for dinner."

"I don't know."

"Please I would like to know that your physically ok."

"Alright I will be there in a bit I guess."

"Good I will make you something to eat."


I hung up and slowly got up and then left.

at Midoriyas. 12:00am

I knocked on the door and it quickly opened. Inko greeted me with a big smile. I smiled back and limped into the apartment. I quietly passed Midoriyas room and sat on the couch.

Inko came in from the kitchen and handed me a plate with a sandwich on it. I smiled at her and started eating it. She sat next to me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I guess."

"That's good. So my son tells me that you're in more trouble then we thought?"

"Oh so he told you I'm a villain."

"Yeah but I knew since I saw you. I know your mom."

"Oh. Anyway so what happened?"

"Oh um Izuku was threatened by a villain at the mall today."

"Oh I had no idea."

"Yeah I just. I don't know how to handle it."

"Midoriya is smart and strong. He will be ok."

"Are you sure."

"Of course."

I smiled at her and she gently hugged me. She then got up to do something. I sat on the couch quietly eating my sandwich. She left the room into her room. And soon Izuku came out of his room. I looked over and he has a light bruise around his neck. He made eye contact with me and I smiled. He on the other hand slightly glared at me.

"Hey heard that you had a run in with someone."

"Don't act like you didn't know."

"Excuse me?"

He stormed over and slapped the plate out my hand. It flew across the couch and he picked me up by my caller of my shirt. He pulled me up and pushed me to the door. I fell on my knees of course.


"Stay back mom."

I struggled to get up but I did with the help from a wall.

"You knew they were coming and didn't say anything!"

"I didn't know! I have been home!"


"I'm not bull shiting you!"

"Yes you are! Your boss gave you a order and you said no so he almost did it himself!"

"I didn't know Midoriya! I'm injured I'm no use!"

"Any villain is useful in the right ways!"

My eyes widened. He did not just. Then my face went cold and emotionless. He flinched.

"You know what. You're right Midoriya I am a villain. I almost forgot. Oh wait that's right I was trying to pick a side wasn't I?"

I stood with a limp as I walked over to him.

"Ha you know I should thank you really. Because I forgot why I hated hero's. This is the reason I hate them."


"Don't WHAT ME! I was on the edge with you hero's! And you just pushed me off!"

"I don't."

"What you don't understand? I thought you were smart!"

I got up in his face.

"Hero's that won't listen and force there ideas just to get something out of it are the worst. That's exactly what you're doing. You weren't with me so I must have known right? Hmm? You do know that I have a life outside the league right? Or no wait you're mind doesn't work like that sorry."

I got even closer and he cowered a bit.

"Also a known fact that all hero's know. The worst villains are those who have nothing to lose. So thanks I just might go up in the ranks."

I walked away with the help of the wall. I got my phone out and called the one person I could at the moment.

"Hello Y/n you ok?"

"Kurogiri can you get me?"

"Oh of course."


I hung up and opened the front door. I opened it to see he is already here. I looked up to him and he chuckled.

"I haven't seen that look in a while. Who is going to die?"

"A lot of people. Say does any new recruits have a fire quirk?"

"Yes his name is Dabi."


Kurogiri made a portal and walked through it. I was about to.

"Y/n! Wait I didn't mean!"

"Shut it! You better watch the news tonight Midoriya."

I walked through the portal into the hide out.


"Hm who the fuck are you?"

"She is apart of the League. She was injured and still is so she couldn't meet you."

"Yeah yeah anyway you want to help me with something? You can burn whatever you want."

"Ok nothing better to do."

I smiled and we left.

We targeted hero's homes. We burn them down and fight some of them killing them. When the news and police showed up we left. Going to my apartment. Still hyped on the adrenaline we had some fun the rest of the night. Even with my broken leg he was careful with it.

Don't fuck me over. Someone will end up dead.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now