forty six | an unblinking death

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It was then that Hayley looked over at Oliver, who asked her in a muffled voice, "Hayley, are you okay?"

Not long after he asked her that, Annabelle carefully pulled Hayley back up onto her feet and watched as the pregnant werewolf started to make her way away from her and Oliver.

Then Annabelle turned her attention over to Oliver and held out a hand to him, which got him to stare up at her with furrowed eyebrows.

When he didn't make a move to grab her hand, she asked him, "Well? Are you going to grab my hand or not?"

When he still didn't make a move to grab her hand, Annabelle sighed to herself before she quickly grabbed him by the arm and forcefully brought him back up onto his feet.

As soon as he was standing back up onto his own two feet, Oliver asked her, "What the hell did you do that for?"

While Annabelle looked around herself and tried to listen for any survivors to the blast, she replied, "Do what? Bring you back onto your feet?" As she started to follow the sound of a werewolf's groaning, she said to him, "A simple 'thank you' would suffice."

Oliver said to her, "No. I meant for covering Hayley the way you did. Why did you do that? Last I heard, you don't care about anyone but yourself and that family of yours."

It was then that Annabelle quickly turned to look at him as she told him, "Well, believe it or not, Oliver, but through the child she is carrying, Hayley is technically part of my family." Then she took a step towards him as she said, "And it is because of her wish that no member of this pack gets harmed that I have yet to kill you for what you did to Rebekah before she left New Orleans. If it were up to me, you would have been dead the second we were let out of that cemetery. Or better yet, you would have been dead the moment I had recovered from all of the vervain Genevieve had put into my system because I am protective of my family, and I would be damned if a werewolf like you were to take part in harming my family."

Before Oliver had the chance to respond, Annabelle sped off towards the sound of a groaning werewolf and left Oliver to stare at the spot she was standing in with furrowed eyebrows.

* * *

With her arms crossed over her chest, Annabelle watched as Elijah brought his phone up to his ear before he said into it, "Hayley."

Hayley told him, "I have to take care of something. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Elijah asked her, "Where are you?"

Hayley said to him, "Elijah, I'm fine. Just take care of the pack while I'm gone, please?"

Not long after she hung up on Elijah, the dark-haired werewolf asked him, "Is she okay?"

Elijah said to him, "Apparently, yes."

While Elijah started to walk towards where Annabelle was standing, the werewolf said to him, "It's a good thing that bomb went off where it did. Could've been a lot worse. People could've got killed."

While Annabelle eyed the werewolves and watched them talk amongst themselves, Elijah stared off towards his left as he said, "Unless..." Then he looked underneath one of the RVs and saw a bomb pressed underneath of it before he quickly looked over at the werewolf and told him, "Get everyone out of here... Now!"

It was then that another explosion was heard from just behind them before several more explosions started to occur from all around them.

While Elijah tried to help as many of the wolves as he could, Annabelle looked around herself with a frown on her face and listened to the sounds of the wolves screaming and trying to run for cover.

It wasn't until she saw a werewolf on fire trying to go past her that she quickly took it upon herself to try and do everything she could to douse the flames that were starting to cover his body.

* * *

It wasn't until Annabelle had stepped away from one of the deceased werewolves that she heard Oliver yell, "Help! Somebody help!"

Then she turned her head to see Eve's legs trapped underneath an RV and Oliver saying to her, "Okay. Hold on. Hold on, Eve."

Then Oliver tried to lift the RV on his own, only to find that he couldn't.

With a sigh, Annabelle quickly made her way over towards the RV and got there at the same time as Elijah before both she and her brother helped Oliver with lifting the RV off of Eve's legs.

While Oliver went to drag Eve out from under the RV, he said to her, "Come on, Eve. Come on." While Annabelle and Elijah went to lower the RV back onto the ground, Oliver said to her, "It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

And the most Annabelle did was watch with a frown on her face as she watched Oliver try to console Eve the best he could.

* * *

While Annabelle stared down at Eve's wounds with her head tilted to the side and her eyes narrowed, Elijah said after Eve was placed down on a cot, "That wound should be healing by now."

Oliver told him, "She never killed anyone, never activated the werewolf gene. So she can't heal, not like us."

After turning his head to look back at Eve, Elijah said, "My blood, it could heal her."

Oliver replied, "Vampire blood?" While Annabelle quickly turned her head to stare at Oliver with narrowed eyes and her hands clenched into fists, Oliver told Elijah with a nod of his head, "Trust me, she'd rather die."

After staring down at Eve, who was still unconscious at the moment, Oliver said with a shake of his head, "Look, we can't just let them get away with this."

The dark-haired werewolf said to him as he slowly started to stand up, "We don't even know who's to blame."

As he went to take a step towards the other one, Oliver replied, "The hell we don't, and if we don't fight back, they'll just do it again."

It wasn't until after the dark-haired werewolf took a step towards Oliver that Oliver scoffed to himself before he quickly left the building and let the door slam shut behind himself.

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