Start from the beginning

"Not while fighting our way out."

"You make sure we can jump into hyperspace and you won't have to ask me twice," Addia said.

Elynn searched for scanning signals and began to jam them. The moment the starship left Coruscant's atmosphere, three TIE fighters came to challenge them.

"Corellian YT-1300 light freighter, please identify yourself and transmit your security clearance code. Over," said the wing commander through the comm.

"Well, let's show them who we are," Theleema said.

Syrran opened up the thrusters, leaving the TIE fighters behind. The starfighters opened fire, trying to keep up with the Outcast's speed. Ilum rotated the side cannons astern to engage them.

Aboard the Talon Strike, the sensor watch officer addressed Captain Haibak, "Sir, one of our wings have visual confirmation of a the Corellian YT-1300 freighter under surveillance, the Outcast. It has left the planet's atmosphere and is attacking our starfighter."

"Where is it heading?" Captain Haibak said.

"We don't know, sir. The ship is jamming our scanners."

"Do we have any orders from the Order of Inquisitors?"

"Negative, sir," said the communications officer. "I cannot hail them. There seems to be something wrong with planetary communications."

"Then it's up to us. Move into attack position, alert the Onaconda Farr to coordinate efforts."

"Yes, sir."

"The Star Destroyers are moving into attack position." Addia watched her monitor.

"All fighters in the area have been alerted to our presence," Elynn said.

"What about that hyperspace route?" Theleema said. The Outcast shook with the impact of cannon fire hitting her energy shields.

"Still calculating," Addia said.

The Outcast went into evasive action. Ilum and Jarriss started to fire at the incoming enemy crafts. The freighter's six cannons defended the ship from every possible angle. And its speed and maneuverability made it hard for the Imperial forces to engage it.

"We got a route," said Addia alerted by the nav computer.

"Punch it," Syrran said.

Theleema activated the hyperdrive, but nothing happened.

"What the—?" she looked over her instruments for an answer. "I don't understand. All systems seem to be fine."

"Incoming, TIE fighters," Addia said.

"We can see that," said Jarriss into his headset while shooting at the fast-approaching starfighters by sensing them.

"Go, we can't jump to hyperspace. What's going on?" Syrran said through the intercom.

"It's not mechanical." Gorin looked at the ship's diagnosis. "All systems are green. The hyperdrive appears to be working properly." The Outcast was again rocked by an explosion.

"Tell that to the Imps trying to kill us."

The ship shook again.

"They must have done something to the Outcast while it was docked." When Gorin got up to enter the engine room, he had to hold on to the wall when the ship trembled again. "Sister Virra, I need you to take over for me."

Glad to be of help, Virra ran down the corridor. "It's just Virra. I'm not an Inquisitor anymore," she said.

"I know. I call my friends 'brothers' and 'sisters.'" Gorin went inside the engine room.

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