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"This situation cannot stand," said Senator Bail Organa. The swarthy representative from Alderaan addressed the Imperial Senate from his repulsorpod, hovering above the Grand Convocation Chamber. "The people of Lasan are being butchered as I speak. This system did not take part in the Clone Wars, yet they're being treated worse than the planets that comprised the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Siege of Lasan must end."

"Lasan is nothing but a breeding ground for anti-Imperial dissidents." A military officer floated in his repulsorpod toward the central podium from the thousands surrounding the vast chamber.

"The Senate recognizes Agent Alexandr Kallus of the Imperial Secure Bureau, commander of operations in Lasan," said the Umbaran, Sly Moore, a woman who was a wisp of a pale shadow, standing on the central podium next to Grand Vizier.

"If we allow systems like Lasan go unpunished, the price that we'll end up paying might be a second galactic war," said the clean-cut light-brown hair human with stern hazel eyes. "We all have seen the level of destruction these extremist partisans have brought to places like Onderon and Kashyyyk. These terrorists, led by none other than the extremist Saw Gerrera, need to be dealt with decisively and swiftly to preserve the hard-earned peace the Empire has provided the Galaxy."

"How can you speak of extremist when your men are fielding T-7 ion disruptor rifles?" an outraged Bail said. "A weapon designed to disable starships and wipeout multiple enemies in a single shot. Have you seen the effect they have on organic lifeforms? Let me show you the images I have seen from your latest operations—"

"The Senate will not be subjected to such a morbid spectacle," Grand Vizier Mas Amedda said. The imposing Chagrian presented a striking figure high at the center of the chamber with his long horns, thick head tentacles, and pale blue complexion.

"With all due respect, Grand Vizier, but if the Senate is willing to continue to allow the Siege of Lasan, they should know exactly what they are supporting."

"The Senate is well-aware of the consequences of the hard, yet necessary choices it has to make to preserve order in the Galaxy. Proceed, Agent Kallus."

"Thank you, Grand Vizier," Kallus said. "I'm glad that at least Senator Organa and I agree on one thing, the Lasat are enemies."

"I did not say that," Bail said. "You're twisting my words."

"Order!" said Moore. "The Senator from Alderaan will respect Agent Kallus' time to address the Senate."

"Let me see if I can make this clear, then," Kallus said. "I have been the recipient of the brutality of these terrorists Senator Organa is so keen to protect. Unlike him, I don't have the luxury of making my pronouncements based on reports I read in the comfort of my office in our great capital.

"During my deployment in Onderon, my platoon was patrolling the area, providing security to the system when we were ambushed by terrorists." Kallus became mournful. "I was knocked out of the way by the first explosion—we were defenseless. Then, I saw a Lasat mercenary emerging from the smoke and fire... methodically killing everyone in sight—including those injured—we were defenseless... it's a memory that still haunts me. I don't need to live through another example of the Lasat savagery to know what needs to be done to secure peace in Lasan."

"Your forces are killing innocent civilians, members of the Royal Family and their High Honor Guard," Bail said. "This has nothing to do with securing peace and order, but an appalling abuse of military power meant to make Lasan an example to other systems."

"Insurgents, traitors, and loyalists, you mean. And if Lasan is to be a warning to those who threaten the prosperity and stability of the Empire, so be it. The question is not how we deal with these radicals, but how many more of them are we willing to tolerate? Look at what happened in Kashyyyk, the Sentinel moon, Murkhana, the current situation in Ryloth. Every time these rebel scum are allowed to flourish, it endangers the security so many have died for."

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