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The Night Dagger landed in the Imperial Temple. Shafts of light projected through the high tinted windows onto the marble floor, as the Inquisitors walked toward the titanic double doors to the Emperor's throne room, which opened on their approach. The dusk bled through the prominent oculus of the dark chamber, drawing webbed patterns on the extensive carpet, leading to a set of steps. Sitting high above and guarded by six of his silent crimson guards, Darth Sidious—the man known to the galaxy as Sheev Palpatine—sat on his throne looking at the capital of his Empire through a round widow.

Darth Vader stood close to his Master, disturbing the silence with his artificial breathing. On the next landing stood the Grand Inquisitor with the burly gray creature known as the Fifth Brother, the Mirialan known as the Seventh Sister, and hidden by a grated visor, the Terrelian, named the Eighth Brother. The rest of the Inquisitors knelt down among them.

"Master, the Mirialan Jedi escaped, but I managed to take an old Jedi tome in her possession, the Chronicles of Brus-bu." Virra offered him the book.

"One of the sacred Jedi texts?" A surprised Emperor swiveled around to face the Inquisitors and brought the book to him with the Force. He caressed the cover and open its pages. "The Jedi can always die, but this is quite the get." His gleeful expression turned his scarred mien into a frightful mask. The Emperor placed it on his armrest, caressing its leather cover. "How did the Jedi escape?"

"Through a portal inside a shrine at an ancient Jedi temple in Mimban. I tried to follow, but all I could see was a light inside, and found myself back in the temple. I don't know how long I was lost inside, but when I came out, the First Sister and the Eleventh and Thirteenth Brothers were already there."

"Well done, Fourth Sister."

"What about the Jedi, Master?" the Thirteenth Brother said.

"There will be time to deal with her—all of them. In the meantime, I want the Inquisitors to remain in Coruscant for Governor Tarkin's ceremony."

"An attack on the palace would be suicide," the Grand Inquisitor said.

"Do not underestimate the lengths desperate people are willing to go, Grand Inquisitor. The Jedi Purge has been quite successful."

"Perhaps it is best to call it off," Vader said.

"And give our foes the satisfaction of a symbolic victory? I don't think so." The Emperor found the thought ludicrous. "There are insurgences raising across the galaxy, foolishly hoping to stand up against us. Every planet needs to see the tightening of our grip, until the time we are ready show them the true power the Empire can wield.

"I have placed Commander Eisvolk in charge of the event's security. She has made sure it's being billed as the culmination of a series of celebrations for Tarkin's promotion—a mere formality—to avoid unwanted attention. Its real value will be in the HoloNet as a propaganda tool. Nevertheless, we should remain vigilant. That will be all. Leave us."

The Inquisitors bowed and filed out of the throne room, leaving Vader alone with his Master.

"They Fourth Sisters is lying," the Emperor said.

"What do you mean, Master?" Vader said.

"Much like their holocrons, the artifacts and shrines created by the Jedi can only be accessed through the light side of the Force, but they don't reject dark side adepts. She passed through the portal, but she's not telling us what she saw."

"Then, allow me to interrogate her. There's no secret she would be able to keep from me."

"I want to see the extent of what she's planning." The Emperor turned his chair to face the window. "Keep an eye on her."

"Yes, Master." Vader bowed and walked away.

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