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The team gathered at the cockpit as the Outcast came out of hyperspace to the sight of a Star Destroyer, the Onaconda Farr, and the Talon Strike, outside the orbit of Coruscant. Busy starship traffic came and went from the planet, among patrols of TIE fighters. Elynn had activated the ship's fake signal, so the Outcast could show on scanners.

Being back at the capital planet conjured all sorts of memories and feelings for Syrran and Addia—and to a lesser extent, Ilum. For Elynn, the experience was more surreal. She had lived her entire life in Coruscant and had never seen the planet from the outside. Leaving it during the Purge never crossed her mind, and now that she had, going back to the epicenter of Jedi hunters made her anxious—but she found solace in the company she kept.

"What are all those circles on the surface?" Gorin said.

"The city," Syrran said.

"The whole planet?"

"Uh-huh," Addia said.

"Corellian YT-1300p light freighter, identify yourself," said ground control from the communicator.

"Ground control, this is the Outcast. Transmitting identification and security clearance code," Elynn said.


"Lord Vader," Commander Eisvolk said via hologram.

"Yes, commander?" Vader sat in his chamber at the Imperial Palace.

"A Corellian YT-1300 light freighter has arrived on the planet. Its security clearance is the same one issued to Senator Taa of Ryloth. I thought you would want to be notified since he's a person of interest to you, my lord. Should I order their arrest?"

Vader took a moment to answer. "No, commander. Let them come through. I will deal with them."

"Yes, Lord Vader."


"Wow, you weren't kidding about Coruscant, little sister," said Gorin as the Outcast entered the planet's atmosphere. The sight of the ecumenopolis could not compare to anything he had seen before.

"I told you," Elynn said. "It's the bright center of the universe."

"More like the black hole, sucking the life out of it," Jarriss said.

"Looks like our arrival attracted some extra Imperial attention." Theleema spotted a military speeder docking at their landing platform.

"What do you think it's about?" Ilum said.

"This is not the kind of ship a Senator would use," Syrran said.

"I'll deal with them," Jarriss said.

A detail of purge troopers and two technicians led by a lieutenant, approached the Outcast.

"Can I help you, lieutenant?" Jarriss stepped off the boarding ramp.

"Is Senator Taa aboard?" the officer said.

"I'm afraid not. I'm Doctor Jarriss Marrow, I'm an independent consultant and founder of Medics Across the Galaxy. Senator Taa is a friend of mine and asked me to attend the ceremony in his stead." He gave him his code chain and the invitations.

"Scan the ship and make the crew deboard," said the lieutenant to his men while he checked the documents in his datapad. The technicians and two troopers boarded the Outcast. "For what reason?" he continued.

"I can't disclose the details, but suffice to say, he hopes I can intercede on his behalf to resolve a misunderstanding he had with the Empire's leadership. Otherwise, the senator and his lovely companions would have been glad to attend such a momentous occasion."

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