A New Beginning (Hessa)

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Me and my manager arrived in Paris this morning. It was a long flight and I just want to take a hot shower.

As I enter in my hotel room, I take off my t-shirt and I walk to the bathroom, when I'm interrupted by my manager who enters in my room.

"Mr. Scott, the meeting starts in four hours."

"Thanks for reminding me."

"I'm going to take a look on you speech."

"You don't have to do this." I walk to her. "Come shower with me."

"Mister Scott, I don't think it's appropriate to ask me this. Your girlfriend won't be happy to know what you are doing with your manager."

"Well, what a coincidence... My manager is my girlfriend."

"Can you tell me why I accepted to be your manager?"

"Because you are the best and I want you to be with me everywhere."

"Honestly, I'm glad I'm here with you."

"Me too. So? What if you are going to look on my speech later? I want you in the shower."

"I have a break from the pills and you don't have any condom, Hardin..."

"And what? I thought we decided that a baby won't be an obstacle. It's been more than six weeks since then and your doctor told us that we can conceive."

"It's too early. We can't have a baby. Not now when we are on a tour."

"Then I'm going to go buy a box of condoms." I take my t-shirt from the floor.

"You can't wait until we are back from today's meeting?"

"No. I can't. Be ready for me, baby."

A few weeks earlier...

Another call from my fucking manager fucked up all my day. A meeting about my next tour. I'm not in the mood to go to see him. He just wants my money. I think it's time to fire him. I can't leave in another tour, not now when Tessa needs me. She lost our baby a few weeks ago and I can't let her alone. She says that she's fine, but I hear her sobbing sometimes and it's clear that she's not fine.

I never thought that losing an unborn baby hurt like this. I remember like it was yesterday, how I was cooking dinner when Tessa called me from the bathroom. She was crying and she was looking at the stained underwear. I knew what was happening. When we had our appointment, her doctor told me that the chances of miscarriage were high, she only told me about it. Tessa were so happy knowing about the baby... But then we lost it and we decided to wait until we try again and I respect her decision.

I walk into our bedroom and I find her looking at the last clothes of our haby. How she found them? I put them away, but she found them.


"You kept them..." She looks at me with a sad smile.

"I can throw them."

"No, it's fine. It's a memory from our angel."

"You are feeling good?"

"Yes. I was looking for something in the closet and I found them."

"It's ok if I will be gone for a while?"

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