Years and Years (Hessa) - part 4

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A few weeks later...

"Babe? I want to tell you something." I hear Robert and I turn off my laptop.


"I don't want you to get mad or something, but... I think you should start to go to gym. You started to gain fat and it's not good for your health." Excuse me? I know I'm stupid because I didn't tell him, but he is with me because I was skinny?

"Excuse me?" I turn to him. "So, you were with me because I was the perfect girl?"

"No, Tessa... Don't get me wrong. Gaining fat, is damaging your health. I know this."

"And what if I'm pregnant?!" Shit.


"Yes, I am pregnant! I'm not fat!" I yell at him and I can see the anger in his eyes.

"You cheated on me?!"

"And what if I did?" I'm angry in this moment.

"I think we should stop this." He points between me and him.

"Yeah, we should stop this. I don't think it was love between us.

"You are right. I lied you."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm cheating on you for over a year." I hear it and I slap him.

"I want you to leave this apartment, now!"

"You are kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not kidding, Robert." I get up. "If you don't leave in one hour, I'm gonna call the cops."


"Leave, Robert. You are nothing for me!" I yell at him. "I'm glad we did this now."


"You did what?" She asks me surprised.

"I dumped Robert and I don't regret it."

"And the baby?"

"The baby is not his..." I hear myself talking. Fuck.

"Oh, shit. It's not his baby? Then who is the baby daddy?"

"Well..." I look down. "Remember when we had our ten years high-school meeting?"

"Yeah, what happened there?"

"Well, I left with Hardin and it happened." I take a sip of my tea and all I can see on Jessie's face is shock.

"No way! Hardin is the baby daddy?!"

"Yes, he is."

"And why he is not here?!"

"He doesn't know about this..."

"What?! Are you kidding?!"

"No. Robert has no idea that I was pregnant until now."

"You are crazy! Put your hand on your phone and call him now! He has to know that he is having a baby!"

"I don't want him to know. I don't want to be an intruder in his love life."

"What are you taking about? Hardin is a bachelor for over a year."

"I wanted to talk with him and he was with a woman and I gave up."

"Jesus! He is single. I know it from him. So, call him, now!"

"I'm not gonna tell him through a phone call."

"Yeah, but you can call him to ask when he is coming here." She hands me my phone.

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