Changes (Herophine) - part 4

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I've slept so well last night, but in the morning, a loud knock at my door wake me up. Shit.

"Why you locked the door, Jo?!" He knocks again and I feel Hero moving next to me. "Are you still sleeping? It's 10 am, girl!"

"I'm awake, but I slept naked..." What lie to tell? "I had fever last night and I had to take off my clothes." Hero starts to groans, but I cover his mouth.

"It's not like I never saw you naked, sis! Open the door. Breakfast is ready."

"I will be ready in five."

"Ok, fine. How you say." I don't hear her next to my door and I look at Hero.


"We don't have time for this, Hero. How you get out from here without Kate to see you?"

"What if I just go out."

"She doesn't know we have an affair, Hero!" I yell quietly.

"And how you want me to disappear? I'm not a fucking magician to disappear."

"I know... I'm sorry. But I don't know what to do. Kate is my big sister and it's not comfortable with this."

"This as in us?"

"No. This as in my privacy."

"We can tell her that we had a sleepover."

"Find a way to get out of here!" I get up and I quickly take a cloth from the floor and it's Hero's shirt. I leave my bedroom as I quickly button up the shirt.

"Bacon and eggs. Ugh, that's a man shirt. Jesus, Jo! You brought him here? You had sex with him in the same house at me?!"

"Shush!" I snap at her. "Can you stop, please?"

"I am your sister and I want to know what's happening in your life."

"Well, you should stop this. My romantic life it's not something you should know."

"I don't like your bitch attitude. This really makes me to think about a pregnancy. But now, I'm going out to breath some fresh air. Maybe until I am back, you and your affair are done fucking. And you stop being a bitch." She just leaves my apartment. Ugh, I love my sister, but sometimes she exaggerates too much.

"Jo?" I see him standing in my door, just with his boxers on. "I'm sorry for this."

"Wait, no. It's not your fault. Kate is exaggerating and she likes to know everything."

"Yeah... I know how it is this... Mercy also likes to know about my private life."

"Are you hungry? She made breakfast..."

"Yeah. But can you give me my shirt, please?"

"Oh, yes."

We go back in my room and I give him his shirt and I quickly put on a dress. When he is done, we go to eat. And then it's time for Hero to leave.

"Thanks for this, Jo."

"No problem. I appreciate that you came to see me." I kiss his cheek.

"See you tomorrow at the airport for our flight to Seattle?"


Hero leaves and I am alone. I walk to the kitchen and I'm going to clean the mess made by Kate. When I'm done, I go back to my room and I change the bedsheet. When I'm done, I see Hero's neck tie on the night stand. I will give it back to him tomorrow. I get out of my room and I see Kate entering in the apartment.



"He left?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for thus fight. But I'm not used to share this with someone."

"I just wanted to know who is he. It's something serious?"

"No. Just for fun. And... It's Hero."

"Excuse me?" She looks at me with big eyes. "Hero as in Hero fucking Fiennes – Tiffin, your co-star?!"

"Uhm... Yeah. We are having fun, but after this promo will be done everything."

"Are you sure this will end? Did you think about what I said about a pregnancy?"

"Kate, we've talked about this. I have very low chances to get pregnant."

"So, you had unprotected sex with him."

"Kate, please. Enough. And in addition, he pulled out. No chance of getting pregnant."

"Take a test just to be sure." She hands me a box of Clearblue digital pregnancy test. "Just take it."

"I don't know..."

"You know how to do a pregnancy test. Remember five years ago when you thought that you're pregnant?"

"Yeah. And then I found out about my infertility."

"Go take this fucking test. Just to be sure."

"Ok, fine." I sigh and I take the box from her hand and I walk to the bathroom. I quickly do the test and as I put the cap on, the first line appears on the little screen, then the second one and the third. When I wait for the last line and the result, my heart is beating faster. What if I am pregnant? What I'm going to do? How me and Hero will do this? Jesus! Why this is so complicated?

And when the result appears on the screen, I breath in relief. Not pregnant. I get out of the bathroom.

"I'm not pregnant."

"See? It wasn't that hard. But next time use protection, listen to your big sister."

"Right! Help me to pack for Seattle!"

"Ok, ok."


The premiere in New York was today and After era is over. But before we go back to our life, we are having a goodbye party and we will have a lot of fun.

In the last weeks me and Hardin ended up together almost every night and I might be falling in love with him. But I know he doesn't feel the same.

I just finished my make-up and I'm ready to go to the party. I put my heels on and I look again in the mirror. I am hot and I'm sure tonight, me and Hero will end up again together in mine or his room. I look at the clock and I see it's time to meet everyone in the lobby. I take my purse, I put my phone in it, I take the card of the room and I get out. I see Hero next to my door.



"You are gorgeous."

"Thank you." I smile and he looks around, then he pecks my lips.

"I can't wait to take off that dress."

"Later." I smirk and we go to the elevators.

"Yeah. But I have to leave early in the morning. I have to catch the flight to London."

"That's fine."

"I'm sorry. But something came up and I can't come back to LA."

"It's fine, Hero..."

"Good. We can see each other when we're in the same town, right?"

"Yeah, why not?" 

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