One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 2

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Next morning...

I wake up with a bad headache. What happened? I look under the sheets and I'm naked. Shit. What did I do?

"Good morning." I hear a known voice and I cover myself better while I turn to the door. "Some orange juice and two Advils." He gives it to me and I drink it.

"Thank you..."

"I think you have a bad headache." He giggles.

"Yeah... Next time I won't drink."

"I bet you won't. Uhm... This can stays between us?"

"Of course..."

I think I should leave. I have to go home and change my clothes and get ready for work.

"Yeah... Me too."

"Thank you for last night, Jo. It was really nice to spent time with you." He comes over me and he kisses me. "See you later."

Fuck. What the fuck was in my head when I let him here? Ok, I have to admit that the last night was amazing, but we can't repeat it. We are just friends and co-starts, no feelings involved.

A few weeks later...

I just arrived in my room from Bulgaria. We have to stay two weeks in quarantine. It will be two long and boring weeks.

After that night and that project together, I didn't talk with Hero. I didn't try to call him and he didn't call me, so I'm good with this. But now, we're back together. Almost, because we can't stay together and film until everyone is safe.

I order something to eat and when I'm done I feel like I'm going to throw up. And that's happening five minutes later. Fuck off! What's wrong with this food? I wipe my mouth and I go to drink some water. Then I go on my balcony to breath some fresh air.

"Hello, Jo." I hear his voice. Great, we are neighbors.

"Hi." I sit on the chair and I breath the fresh air.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired after my flight."

"Uhm, Jo?"


"We are good after what happened in London?"

"Yeah. Why not?"

"I don't know. We haven't talked since then and I suppose that you are mad at me."

"I'm not. I was just busy with everything."


"I'm sorry if I gave you a wrong impression, Hero."

"You didn't. I can't wait to start filming. I miss Hardin." He laughs. " And Tess with her shyness."

"Well, as you know, she won't be so shy. Hardin changed her a lot." I feel sick again, so I stand up. "I'm sorry, but I think I'm going inside. It's being cold and I'm tired."

"Ok. Have a good sleep. Can we repeat this tomorrow?"

"Sure." I try to smile and I hurry to go inside, then I go to the bathroom.

I spend the next 20 minutes throwing up. I think I should take some test after quarantine to see what's wrong with me.


It's finally time to go out from this quarantine and it's time to face everyone. All of us are fine and we are having lunch together. I look another time in the mirror and I still can see my dark circles under my eyes. I had a long night in the bathroom. I felt bad again and I think I know what's happening. But let's hope it's not what I'm thinking. I put my mask on and I go out of my room.

"Hello, Josephine."

"Hero, hi!" I smile to him.

"Are you going to lunch?" He hugs me.


"You will mind if we're going together?"


"Good. What are you doing after?"

"I have to go to buy some girl stuff, you know?"

"Oh... I understand. Do you want to repeat some lines later?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll send you a text as soon as I get back to my room."


We go to meet the team and we eat and we talk about the filming which starts tomorrow and it will be two long months with a lot of filming hours. But I'm not complaining because I do what I like.

After our lunch, I ask someone where I can find a pharmacy and I go to buy what I need. In my way back to the hotel, I go to a supermarket to buy some snacks and some stuff I also need.

When I'm back in my room, I try to eat something but, I feel sick again and I end up throwing up. It's time to do this. I take the box from my bag and I go to the bathroom. I open the box and I read the instructions. I pee in a plastic cup and I put the test in.

I think I'm pregnant. My period is late and I have all the symptoms for a pregnancy. I don't know what to do if it's true. I hope it's just because of the stress, not a pregnancy. I wait for five minutes, then I look on the test. There is two bright lines. Oh, no.

I stand down and I start to cry. No, no, no. This can't be true. I can't be pregnant. I can just pull away all my career. Fucking hell! Why I had to be so stupid to sleep with... Hero. He is the father. Fuck! Hero is the father of my child. What I'm going to do? How I will tell him? How we will film the next movies? Why my life is so complicated?

I stay on the floor and I cry like a baby. Why me? Why now? How I will give the new to the whole team? How I will do my future projects? Fuck this life!

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I hear a knock at the door. Who is it? I don't want anyone here in this moment. Fuck. It's Hero. We planned to repeat some lines. Shit.

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