The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 5

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The sun rays entering through the window had woken me up before my alarm. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Trevor was already up. He was staying on the armchair and he was looking at me. I get up and I look at him.

"Everything is fine, Trev?"

"I think we have to talk."

"What's going on, Trevor?"

"You will tell me what's going on! Now!" He raises his voice.

"Trevor, I'm asking you nicely. Just tell me."

"Where were you yesterday?" Oh... It's time for a small lie.

"Well... I was working."

"You want to tell me that you've been painting that asshole's portrait all day?"

"Trevor, I..."

"I knew it! You were with him on an island. On his island!" He sounds so angry... I let my head down. "Tessa, look at me! Tell me everything!"

"What can I tell you when you know everything? Why are you attacking me for no reason?"

"I want to tell me whether it's true."

"Listen, I don't know who told you all of that and I don't really care. Do you think I was doing something inappropriate?"


"And then why you started with this?"

"Why you didn't tell me where have you been?"

"Tell me something first. Whom were you yesterday with? Huh? Before you came home."

"Me? With no one."

"Trevor... I called you yesterday and somehow, you answered and I heard a female voice."

"Oh... I just took one of my coworkers at home."

"Aha." He looks down and he clenched his fist angrily and the he looks at me with a disappointed look.

"You have no idea for who are you working..."

"Excuse me? What are you talking about?"

"He isn't as good as he seems. This is just an image, so he can conquer any girl."

"What do you know about him?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't want to mess up your business."

"How can you tell me something like this? You don't love me anymore?"

"Of course, I love you. But..."

"But what?! Tell me!"

"I heard that he was involved in dirty business, mafia and stuff like this. The rumors says that he is a tycoon... And I'm scared for you, Tessa. I don't want to lose you. I can't live without you."

"Wait, what?! Rumors? Are you telling me gossips?"

"Think about it Tessa! From where do you think he has all these money?"

"You are making it up, right?"

"No! You will see. I will prove it to you. You will regret this lack of trust." He takes his clothes and he leaves the room, slamming the door after him.

What's going on in my life?


As soon as I was ready for work, I left the apartment and an uncomfortable encounter took place in the front of the building. I found Trevor and Hardin there. Oh, shit. I run to them and Trevor keeps me away.

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