The North Remebers

Start from the beginning

The old man cackles out before coughing a bit painfully, holding his chest as he sits down, downing the rest of his wine. Arlene didn't need to be told twice as she hurriedly walks to the kitchens, breathing heavily because she still feels his wandering eyes all over her. A girl barely of fifteen being looked upon by a toad older than dust.

Her duties in the kitchens are tideous and bothersome but it's better than being out serving the Frey men wine, ale and chicken, among other things. She can hear, even from the kitchens, the wails and cries of women being abused verbally and in other ways.

One of the older women from the kitchens, Catherine, took pity on the girl from Riverrun many a year ago. And since then has taken care of Arlene as best she could.

"Arlene, darling, why don't you take a break. The men guarding the entrances of the crossing will be drunk, probably already passed out."

Arlene looks up to her savior who has turned into a mother of sorts since hers had died during the Red Wedding.

"But Lord Frey said to-"

"Nevermind what he said. Listen to what I say."

Catherine smiles at the girl, ushering her to take off and Arlene happily does so, slipping through passage ways meant for servants until she gets outside. The winds are colder as they say that winter is coming. The Maesters say it's going to be the coldest one in a thousand years.

They've probably been saying that for a thousand years.

Arlene walks away from the monument of sin and thievery, making her way to the forrest on the southern bank of it, just wandering around.

Arlene freezes in her spot when she hears a twig snap from behind her. In fear for her life, she spins around, expecting to see a Frey man standing behind her but her eyes widen when she sees nothing.

"W-Who's there?"

She mutters out, but no one answers her. She knows what will happen if someone working for the Freys or a Frey man themselves would do to her. She starts to dash through the woods, the sounds of branches snapping behind her as fear continues to rise in the young girls heart.

Something shrieks in the air, making her body chill as she continues running further and further. Whatever it is that's chasing her seems to be toying with her as she knows she is slow.

A clearing opens up ahead as she continues running. But before Arelen could make it across the small clearing in the forest, a massive creature lands right in front of her, knocking her off of her feet.

Arlene stares in pure horror as a dragon- a fucking dragon, stands before her, massive wings spread and head raised high, it's red eyes peering down at the girl as if to say, "You shouldn't have bothered running."

Arlene's lip quivers as she tries to back away but she bumps into something.

She looks up, seeing a sword pointed right at her as her eyes widen in fear.

"Good evening to you."

The voice is that of a woman as Arlene stares up at her in confusion and still fear. Focusing a bit more in the dark, she can see that the woman's eyes are violet in coloration, her hair- or rather, the parts that aren't cut, are black as night and naturally curly.

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