"It's Kristoff not it!" I reminded.

"Oop! Kristoff, you can't eat toothpaste, no!" I told him before putting him down. I brushed my teeth and Enzo stared at me with a frown.

"But I was here first, how do you already love him?" he asked after breaking the silence. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Enzo, you are just as Important!" I stated. I picked Kristoff up and headed out of the room with Enzo behind me.

"But I should be more important because I was here first." he said. I looked at him with a crazy expression because he was really thinking about this.

"I should be loved more," he stated again as we made it into the living room.

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone yelled! Our parents were still sleeping so we could have this moment alone.
"Merry Christmas!" I said back and so did Enzo as we sat on the couch.

"Aww, who is the cutest in the whole wide world, you are!" Lexi said as she patted Kristoff. I gave him to her and she went off to baby talk with him.

"I thought I was the cutest!" Antonio yelled. Lexi shrugged before scratching Kristoff's stomach.

"That's what I'm saying!" Enzo said.

"Okay, so I'm first!" I said before getting up and going into the back room. I grabbed Enzo and Antonio's gift and when I came back everybody gasped.

"What is it?" Enzo asked as I sat the big-ass gift on the table. I handed Antonio his gift and Antonio opened his first.

"Oh my gosh! It's an iguana!" Antonio yelled. I laughed as he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug and Enzo started opening his gift.

"It's a Kingsnake!" Enzo said as his face lit up. He was about to open it to take it out, but everyone yelled "no".

"Why the hell would you give him that?" Lexi asked.

"He wanted it and I wanted to see him happy," I said. Everybody started cursing under their breath and it distracted me from paying attention to Enzo. He opened the cage and tried to touch the snake, but it jumped and tried to bite him causing him to snatch his hand back at the right time.

"What the hell?!" Everybody yelled. I pulled the cage away from him and he shrugged.

"It's not poisonous but I love it!" he states as he stood up to kiss me. I kissed him back before going to the back to grab Lexi and Zuri's gift.

"What is it?" Zuri asked. The box started moving and I laughed as she squealed.
She was scared to unwrap it but when she opened the box it was a hamster.

"Aww! this is what I wanted!" she said. She was about to start crying so Elijah comforted her and I handed Lexi her gift.
She hurried to open hers and when she opened it it was a ferret in a tutu.

"Oh my gosh!" She yelled and she took out the ferret.
"I swear if you gave me a fucking animal for Christmas I will return it," Ty said. I laughed and gave him his gifts that were under the tree.

"My house is about to smell like shit, so that hamster will be over Elijah's house and the ferret will stay in the basement or at the warehouse," Enzo said causing Lexi to frown.

Kidnapped in ItalyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora