❦Happy New Year!❦

Start from the beginning

How his parents don't get pissed at him for the aftermath, Foolish will never know. "Yeah?" She ushered him on, and it was then he realized he was still staring at her.

The smell of cheap beer and probably weed clouded his senses more than he preferred, how she enjoyed parties like this he'd never know. "I don't want this to be awkward, okay? We just seem to mesh together really well- and not romantically-"


She laughed, face flushed from either the sudden conversation or the atmosphere. Maybe both, it was probably both Foolish had decided. "Yeah, you're one of my best friends? I mean I hope I'm one of your best friends-"

"Of course you are, why wouldn't you be?" He looked down at her, and he knew in the back of his mind that Punz was definitely just on the other side of the kitchen counter with Sapnap. This would be held over his head for the rest of his life if he actually did this.

Holy shit he was going to do this.


"I'm going to cut to the chase-" he willed the words out, nervously glancing at the large television behind them, slowly counting down the seconds for the crowd.

"You want to kiss me." His eyes snapped back to her almost immediately, shock evident. "You aren't good at hiding it."


"I just- I don't see you romantically at all- but-"

She reached up, and he could feel cold hands rest on the back of his neck. He took that as a sign to move closer, his body pressing against her own. He could see they were against the kitchen counter now. "But I'm here, I'm someone you know. I don't mind."

"Yeah." He sighed the word out, feeling how his breath hit her face. "So no strings?"


She stared at him, nodding easily. "No strings." Torva repeated it back easily, and he couldn't help but think as well how pissed Eret and Techno will be if they found out.

He knows they have their little competition over her, and even if he was just a bystander why can't he just be with her for a bit? No strings? Right? "Then I've got you."


The screams faded away for a few moments.

It all kind of became background noise for Foolish, distant screams and shouts. He knew he wasn't the only one in this room kissing someone breathless.

He tipped her chin up just a little bit more, and held her hand just a little bit tighter.

Maybe he didn't know her life story like Techno, and maybe he isn't in love with her like Eret.

But right now, he was the one with his lips against hers. Right now she was gripping onto his shoulders. Right now he was swiping his tongue across her bottom lip.

Not Eret, not Techno.

Until he heard a yell. "Holy shit!" Punz screamed, and he almost immediately pulled away from Torva.

There were heavy breaths leaving both of them, and when he looked over to Punz he saw the man laughing with Sapnap. "Dude, Foolish has game!" Sapnap yelled, elbowing Punz harshly with a laugh.

He awkwardly smiled at the two men, knowing full well his face was flushed and he had Torva pressed against Dream's kitchen counter. "Dude, holy shit what is happening!" Punz was staring in shock, and Foolish slowly let go of the woman, gulping nervously.

A camera flash had already gone off.

He saw George holding up his phone, the brunet standing behind Sapnap. "Delete that oh my god!" Foolish yelled, suddenly hyper as he stared at George beginning to run.

He frantically looked between the laughing Punz and Sapnap, then to Torva.

He leaned down quickly, reaching in his pocket and pulling out his car keys. He had learned how to drive recently, and legally he couldn't have another minor in his car for six months, but who the hell cares. He pressed his keys into Torva's palm, pressing a quick and chaste kiss to her mouth. "Meet me in my car, yeah? I'll handle George, he's drunk."

He didn't bother to hear her response, running after George and ignoring the laughter from his friends. He knows that picture couldn't get out, and knowing drunk George there's no telling what he could do with it.

He almost immediately saw him giggling drunkenly, head leaning against Dream's shoulder. "Oh, hey Foolish." Dream greeted him, waving kindly.

"Hey, Dream. I think that friend of yours took a photo I didn't exactly consent to." Foolish crossed his arms staring at the laughing George.

Dream blinked a few times, looking at the boy at his side. "George, delete the photo."

"But if Technoblade sees it," he laughed again. "It would be so funny!"

Dream rolled his eyes, reaching into George's pocket and unlocking the phone with his fingerprint. Foolish didn't know why Dream's fingerprint worked on George's phone, but he wasn't complaining.

He opened photos, deleting the image and going into recently deleted. Completely removing the image from the brunet's phone. "There you go dude, I assume keep this on the down low?" Dream handed the phone back to George. Who was grumbling.

"Yeah, thanks dude." Foolish smiled, nodding to Dream.

"I thought she was with Eret or Techno. I will tell them if she's cheating, I'm not a dick." Dream raised an eyebrow, and suddenly Foolish felt nervous. "Though she doesn't seem like the type to do that, neither do you."

"Nah, nah nah it isn't like that. We're all best friends, you know? They've had this stupid competition over her since like middle school. Technoblade knew her since they were kids, and he got super competitive when Eret and Torva met in seventh grade." Foolish frantically began explaining, only for Dream to cut him off with a laugh.

"I get it, two dudes have a competition over the girl and when they are gone you have some fun. Nobody has to know." Dream winked and put a finger over his lips, and George mumbled yet again. "I'll make sure it doesn't get out, you probably don't want the best wrestler in state on your ass."

"Preferably not, no." He let out an awkward laugh, glancing to his car out the front window. "Well uh, I'll be honest, I gotta leave your party a bit early my man."

"Huh, why?"

Foolish casually pointed at the window, and he watched Dream see Torva sitting in the back seat on her phone. "That's why."

Dream blinked a few times. "Holy shit, dude. You scored."

"Yeah- so- ima get going?" Foolish gestured to the front door, taking a step back as Dream waved.

He quickly left, dashing for his car. Because oh yeah, he has one of his best friends waiting in the back seat for him. It was cold out, but he hoped she turned the heat on in his car.

He opened the door to the backseat, she looked up, slightly spooked from the sudden person. "Hey." She smiled, turning off her phone and slipping it in her back pocket.

Foolish sat down, closing the car door and almost immediately feeling her crawl onto his lap.

He immediately placed his hands on her hips, feeling her rest her forehead against his own. "No strings?" He asked one final time, feeling a hand much colder than his own slip under his shirt.

He could feel the heat going in his car, though it seems her hands were always cold.

If her hands didn't already make him shiver, it would probably be the fact he could feel delicate kisses travel down the side of his neck.

Torva laughed under her breath, pressing herself further against him. "No strings." The words were muffled, but he heard them loud and clear. If there was a God, maybe they'd let the alcohol help him forget the guilt.

This is one hell of a way to start the new year, that's for sure.

【𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫】Where stories live. Discover now