"Let's head out before I change my mind and take you right here," He wrapped his arm around me and walked us outside to the vehicle.

Once we got settled he drove us into the city to a rooftop restaurant. It was really beautiful, the lights really made it look magical. The host brought us to a table in the middle and we got seated.

"Goodnight, my name is Elijah and I'll be your waiter for tonight. Here's the menu," He placed a menu in front of both of us. "Can I get you started with anything to drink?"

"I'll have a ginger ale please,"

"And I'll have what she's having,"

The waiter left, giving us time to find what we were gonna order.

"This place is so beautiful," I admired looking at all the lights strung up above and on the greenery.

"Yes it is," I looked back to him and saw him staring at me.


"I can't admire my lady?"

"You see me everyday Enzo,"

"And everyday I will continue to admire you."

My cheeks began to heat up and I just smiled at him. He really has a way with his words. I will never regret falling in love with this man.

"Did you figure out what you're getting?" I asked.

"Leaning towards the salmon."

"I kinda want the ribs,"

"Get anything you want mi amour, I'm paying,"

"I can-"

"I said I'm paying." He left no room for back talk.

Okay sir,

We were now eating our food and I did not regret getting the ribs. The honey glazed sauce was heavenly. I got a half rack but now I'm regretting not getting the full rack.

"Love you should try this," I offered Enzo some.

"I can already tell how good it is by the way the rest of your face is eating," He smiled.

My eyes widened in terror. There's stuff on my face?

"Relax, come here." I leaned over to him and he used his thumb to wipe the sauce off my cheek, he then sucked his finger while staring into my soul.

Yep, now I wanna fuck.

These hormones have been raging lately and I'm super horny all the time. Enzo seems to always know when I need a release and comes to rescue me.

"Keep looking at me like that and we'll have to leave our date early," He used the napkin to wipe his mouth.

"Maybe we should," I bit my lip and continued giving him the fuck me eyes.

"Soon, there's something I want you to see."

"Ooh! What is it?"

"You'll see in a few minutes,"

I was really curious to see what Enzo wanted to show me. We were conversing for about fifteen minutes when I heard a whistle then a loud pop behind me. I turned to see fireworks going off.

"Enzo look! It's so pretty." I got up from my chair and stood by the railing. I felt like a kid.

"You like it?"

"You did this?"

"Yes mi amour," He hugged me from behind.

I leaned back into his embrace and enjoyed the show. This man just knows how to make me happy.

We stood there for a few minutes watching the fireworks. As I was about to look away, something caught my attention. My name, followed by red exploding hearts. Then what came after shocked me most.

Will you marry me?

My confusion turned into shock when I saw those words. I didn't even realize Enzo wasn't hugging me anymore. I turned around and saw him on one knee holding a ring.

"Samai I've never truly felt real love until I met you. Even if you didn't know it yet, the moment you started working for me, my heart was tied to yours. You've become such an important part of my life and now I can't imagine my life without you in it. I want to give you and our baby the happiness you both deserve. My heart chose you and it will continue to choose you forever. Will you be my wife?"

I felt a huge rush of emotion stir within me but the one I felt the most was happiness. I watched as the man I love looked at me with so much adoration and love. Tears started to form and I quickly tried to blink them away.

"Yes," I nodded my head while the tears kept coming down.

I saw him visibly relax before he stood up and wrapped his arms around me. This is where I wanna be, forever in his embrace.

"You don't know how happy you've just made me." I smiled hearing that.

"My heart will forever choose you too." I pulled back to press a kiss to his lips. The huge smile that decorated his face was contagious.

"I'm a lucky man," He chuckles.

"Yes you are," I giggled.

"Come here," He held my waist and pulled me flush against him. "You know you're mine forever right?"

"Mm I hope so," I snuggled into his chest and shifted my weight to my left leg. "You smell so good,"

"Come on time to get you home," He pecked my lips.

"Wait why?"

"Because you're doing that thing you do when your feet start to hurt."

"You saw that?"

"I see everything," He gives me a knowing look.

Oh god, he found my stash.

"What do you know?" I questioned narrowing my eyes.

"Nothing mi amour," He lifted me up bridal style and walked with me down the stairs of the restaurant and to the vehicle.


The truth was that I had a stash of food hidden away in one of the back walls of my pantry. One of the board pieces fell out and instead of fixing it, I just stored my pregnancy cravings food in there. It was a lot of things that Enzo cut me off of.

About two months ago I had to ask him to help me cut out certain foods because I was eating them way too much, but now I just can't help myself. The same foods I asked him to keep me from away from are the same foods I'm hiding in the pantry.

And I don't feel bad.

😩😩 I'm sorry for taking forever to update y'all. Life got so busy so quick after school ended. Thank you guys for 103k 💕 I really appreciate you guys 💕 more than y'all know.

Currently sneaking at work to finish this chapter 😁

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