Her twin sister was rude to the undeserving baristas and now Jennie has to suffer. Nothing was fair about this. She called Chaeyoung and quickly relayed everything.

"If I was Jisoo I would've definitely thrown the coffee at you."


"What? I'm being honest. Imagine a girl pours scalding hot coffee underneath your apron and comes back to ask you out. That would be my villain arc."

"I'm so embarrassed. She must've thought I was a shameless bitch."

"Do you wanna go back and clear it up or dig a hole and crawl into it? I'll be supportive of both."

"I don't think she'll want to see me."

"But you want to see her."

"Maybe not anymore. I don't want to bother her."


"What the hell are we doing here?" Ruby rolled her eyes and continued walking in.

"Didn't dad talk to you? He said I have to apologize and I'm kinda grounded I guess."

"And why do I have to be here?" Jennie was nervously looking around, hoping Jisoo was not around.

"Because you're gonna be the one apologizing." She pulled up the mask she had in her hand.

"Now go say sorry, Jenjen." Smiling innocently, she pulled out her phone to scroll through. Jennie quickly pulled it out of her hand.

"I know you're a bitch but can you act right for once. Just apologize to Jisoo and get it over with. She deserves that at the least."

"Jisoo?" She raised her brow at Jennie who glared back. "Knew something was off when you jumped at me over it. You like her or something?"

"What are you talking about?" Jennie raised her voice, bringing attention to them. "Just be a decent person and apologize instead of sputtering nonsense."

"And if I don't?"

"I swear I'll drag you by your hair to the counter and make sure you do!" She was getting frustrated by her accusation and ignorant way.

"Getting brave? You haven't won a fight against me since middle school when you slapped me for that Aussie bitch."

"Don't speak on Chae again!" Out of anger, Jennie threw the phone on her hand to the ground, smashing Ruby's phone screen.

"My phone!" Ruby fell to the ground picking it up in shock. "Fucking bitch!" Her fingers were quickly tangled into Jennie's hair.

"Let go!" Jennie pulled on her wrist but Ruby's hold only tightened.

"Fuck you! Pay for my phone."

"This wouldn't have happened if you weren't such a bitch in the first place!"

"Fuck off!"

They continued until the dreaded voice reached their ears. Jisoo was standing in shock at their animosity. She didn't want to intervene but it was scaring the customers.

Once the girl saw Jennie's face, she immediately moved to stand between her and Ruby who still had her mask on.

"This is the third time you've exhibited inappropriate behaviour in our café. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Jennie's eyes shook in desperation until she heard Ruby chuckle. Out of anger, she jumped on Jisoo to reach Ruby behind her.

Unluckily, the barista caught her by her waist and Jennie immediately was squirming in her hold to keep the butterflies at bay.

Ruby took this time to let go of Jennie and wrap herself around Jisoo's neck just to piss off Jennie.

"Please, I swear she's the one that needs to leave, not me!"

"Ma'am, could you just cooperate with me here." Jisoo had wrapped one hand around her torso and freed the other to try to catch Jennie's hand which was reaching for her sister.

Her flailing pushed Jisoo further back into the latter and gave her enough distance to rip the mask off Ruby's face.

"See! She threw the coffee! I didn't!"

"What are you-"

"Look!" With her now calm hands, she palmed Jisoo's face between them and turned it around to see Ruby who was standing there with her folded arms.

Jisoo's brows furrowed at the fact she was seeing double, though one of them looked more pleasant than the other. She looked back and forth between them to ensure she was seeing right.


"Unfortunately." Ruby walked past them, Jennie pulled her back, still in Jisoo's arm.

"Do what you came here for or I'm telling dad." She warned.

"Fine." She stepped back dramatically and gave a lazy bow to Jisoo. "I'm sorry about spilling coffee on you. I'll try to never come to this stupid place again."

"If you want you can keep my sister as an apology gift." She eyed her still tight hold on Jennie. "Doesn't look like you'll let go anytime soon and she'll probably like it anyway. I know I will."

They watched the girl walk out fixing her hair as if the last few minutes didn't just happen.

"I'm so sorry about her." Jisoo stared back into Jennie's eyes blankly. "She managed to steal all the bitchy genes in the womb.

"So yesterday..." Jennie gulped the little saliva in her now dry throat.

"That was me." Her timid voice enhanced the guilt that was coursing through Jisoo.

The raven pulled away and Jennie immediately missed the warmth against her body.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to be rude to you. I just thought you were..."

"It's fine, really." The younger nervously chuckled, hoping they could forget it. "I would've done worse if I was in your position."

"Allow me to make you a drink as an apology. It's on me." Jisoo's lips curved up into the slightest smile and Jennie was immediately struck.

"Do you come with the drink?"

"Excuse me?'

"N-No I meant-"

"If you are willing to wait for a few hours, I do." The raven smirked at the way Jennie's face brightened.

"Really?" She was perplexed with the fact it was actually happening, Jisoo simply continued to smile softly.

"Your name?"

"Jennie. Jennie Kim." Her cheeks puffed up as she grinned largely.

"I'll see you in a bit, Jennie."

Jennie nodded and walked out of the café backwards, refusing to let go of the sight of Jisoo. Once she was out of the girl's sight, she jumped around excitedly.

She finally got that coffee date.


I think every Jensoo author woke up and decided to post yesterday. I wasn't informed lmao

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