"What?!" Tae immediately pulled down the chair he just set up on the table and took a seat, interested in the gossip.

"Forget it. My head aches when I think of her." Jeong wiped the counter one last time before walking into the back room.

"What did you tell her?"

"That I would rather drink bleach than get coffee with her."

"Ouch. You're a mean one, Ms. Grinch."

"I wasn't half as bad as I should've been."

"That's true. She's such a petty bitch for doing the most over an accident."

"I don't think she'll be coming back anytime soon." Jisoo got up and left to change out of her current apron.

While she was slipping it off, she saw her stained one in the corner of her eye, still hanging over the dirty pile.

Walking over, she picked it up and examined the coffee stain still on it. She held up her forearm to see the slight red burn that still hadn't healed fully yet.

Rude customers are common at her job. She'll just have to get used to them.


The raven threw the apron back into the pile and picked up her bag before walking out.

She bid her goodbye to the others as she stepped out and let the hot summer air hit her. Even at night, the heat never left.


"Can you not sulk at breakfast? It's making me lose my appetite." Ruby gagged at Jennie's face.

"What happened, sweetie?" Her mom softly felt her head, only earning an uneasy smile from the girl.

"She's too embarrassed to tell you she asked a girl to hang out with and she said no." Ruby chuckled, furthering her misery.

"RJ, be nice to your sister for once." Her dad scolded before turning to Jennie. "Not everyone will like you, Jen. Don't sweat it. It's her loss."

"Can we forget about her sob story and get back to me? I said I need new shoes."

"Didn't you just get a new pair last week? Money doesn't grow on trees."

"But paper does."

"What happened to your old ones?"

"Ah, I didn't tell you about that. Some barista ruined it."

"Barista?" Jennie perked up. "Which café?"

"The one close to our school. "Snow something..."


"Yeah, that one! She bumped into me while I was looking at the menu and spilled cold coffee all over me. So I made it equal." She simply shrugged.

"What the fuck did you do?" Jennie lunged over to grab Ruby by her top. It was all too clear. The barista had to be Jisoo or someone Jisoo knew.

No wonder the other girl spoke about some 'incident'. She must've mistaken her for Ruby.

"Jennie! Language!"

"What are you so mad about?" Ruby snubbed at her. "I might've pulled her apron and dropped the coffee on her."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Jennie! Go to your room!" Her dad got up and yelled. "You too! Stay there until I come up and speak to you! Nothing about that was appropriate."

The brunette stomped up and threw herself onto her bed. She can't believe she would do that to Jisoo. And not even an ounce of guilt.

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