My thumb hovered over the keyboard. Should I text, him or not? What if he's tired? Or what if he doesn't want to talk to me? I started to overthink.

I don't know what came over but I quickly typed a simple "hi" I was reluctant to press send, but I mustered up all I had in me to send it.

Almost immediately, he saw the text. Shit. My heart dropped. What if he thought I was weird for texting him at 2 fucking 30 in the morning. I slammed my phone face down onto my bed and buried my head in my pillows. It felt like forever, but the sudden notification sound made me jump a little.

I grabbed my phone so quick, I don't think I'd ever been that anxious to ever see a message on my phone.

"hey :)" He replied. I smiled at response. Maybe he didn't think i was weird for texting him for the first time in months at 2:30 in the morning.

"lol, sorry for texting this late. i didn't think you'd be awake" I typed.

He read my messages so quick, almost like he was ready to text back.

"no, your fine haha, but what's up?"

"i don't know, i just needed to someone to talk to. I hope that didn't come out as weird."

"its ok. but what's wrong? what's on you're mind?"

I was smiling so hard. I could feel my checks heating up. He actually cares about what I had to say.

"it's a lot lol, it's something that I could explain better in person, yknow?"

"you could come over..we could talk about it if you want?"

My eyes widened at his text. No way he was being serious.

"Right now?" I typed.

"yeah, why not :)"

I wanted to scream. Not a bad scream, just, a scream to let everything out. I kept looking back at my phone screen to make sure I wasn't seeing things or read his message wrong. But I wasn't seeing things, Adrien actually invited me over.

I looked at my sweater hanging from my closet door, then at the trap window, and back at my sweater. I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt to go, would it?

I pulled my sheets off myself and slipped out of bed. I tried not to smile, I was supposed to be mad at myself, right? I was such a mess.

I put on the pajamas I was just wearing, which were scattered on the floor. I didn't bother even putting a bra on, I was just so anxious.

I grabbed my sweater, quickly putting it on. My heart started beating so fast while I slid into a pair of slippers, before I made my way out through the window. Once I climbed up the ladder, I unlocked the window and pushed it so it opened. The cool air from outside filled my room.

I emerged from my room and onto my balcony. The Effie Tower gleamed in the night sky, the moonlight illuminating the city. I looked to my right; the Agreste mansion. It was only about a block away. I walked to the ladder that led to the sidewalk. Was I really about to do this?

After a short walk, I finally arrived at the mansion. I looked up at the tall windows and the modern structure. I'd seen the mansion so many times, but it never failed to amaze me.

A Burning Desire Where stories live. Discover now