"Yeah, your here to protect your mate right?" Liam suddenly appear out of nowhere and kick a grey werewolf when it's about to bite Keanu on the back.

Hearing my mate's name erase every hesitation that I'm feeling. That's right. He's right. I'm here to protect Masha. And keeping him safe, is what only matters to me. I can't doubt myself now. For Masha's sake, I will do everything. Even to kill.

My body shook while I felt every bones within me rearrange as I start shifting.

A loud powerful growl came out from me, once I completely shift in my wolf's form, as I stand majestically.

Every werewolves stop moving, while our enemies starts backing away slowly with fear in their eyes.

I smile wickedly as I saunter over them very slowly...

If they can't accept us, then I just have to shove in their thick skulls and let them understand.

And if there are no world that willing to give us a chance, then I just have to create mine..

A world where I can be truly happy, with Masha in my arms...



Sighing, I sit again and shut my mouth. Looking at Lee and Shanna as they whisper with each other, and to Mikee who is busy tapping on his phone let me realized that maybe it is much harder for them to be here. Louis decided to leave me here I know, but he also ordered these three to keep an eye on me. And that's kind of frustrating in its own way.

I flinch when the windows suddenly rattle with so much force, before it completely burst spraying little piece of glass on the carpeted floor. I jump on my feet and whip my head towards it.

"Masha come here!"

"God! How the hell they find this place so easily?"

"Don't ask me. Now what?"

I don't know what to think when my eyes lock on the five big muscled men that climb in the completely shattered window. They have this hungry-predator eyes while they slowly saunter over us.

"Like what that little witch said, I can seize this pack, and defeat that arrogant Louis once I captured his mate... Oh God, I can't believe that there are no guards in this place.. I'm so lucky.." A man in his early thirties said, mockingly while he walk towards us.

I don't know why, but I feel fear with this man. His aura and the way he scan us with his eyes that full of malice, totally creeps me out.

"Oh really. But do you even think that I will just gave myself to you. You're being such a dumbass asshole." My eyes suddenly snap at Mikee. What the heck is he saying?

"Mi--" a hand suddenly covered my mouth and stop my voice, looking up I saw Lee looking down at me, and shaking his head.

"You have a smart mouth, but let's see if you can still open that once I'm done with you." The man's voice is deadly and even his eyes. I shudder when he suddenly shift in his wolf form and jump at Mikee, ready to kill him.

"Mikee!" I called out, while Shanna drag me away as Lee starts cutting the other mens limbs with his sharp small sword.

I do not know why Mikee pretend to be me, just to let me escape. He doesn't have to do that. I..do not understand.

"Believe in them Masha. Mikee and Lee is strong, they won't die."

Its hard for me to believe that, especially when Shanna's voice crack on the end. Though, I'm sure that she's only saying what she thought will comfort me.

"Masha, this way!" My thoughts were cut off when Kia suddenly appear out of nowhere, with Jess and Darrel behind her.

"What the fuck happened here? How the hell they knew about the secret passage?" Jess hissed angrily, while he run beside us.

"I don't know, but a group suddenly burst out from the windows and attacked us." Shanna explained between pants.

"Tch! We don't have time for idle talk, Mom told us to bring you guys in the second safe house. I just hope nothing happens until we arrive. That place is fucking far from here!" Darrel snarled.

But time seems to stop when the wall in our right suddenly cave in, throwing us off guard. Debris came flying, my body moves on its own, and before I knew it I'm already on the air clutching Shanna's waist, while we landed gracefully on the ground.

"Thanks for that." She murmur beside me.

"But where are the three?" I asked, fear is starting to creep within me when I don't see the others. The whole place doesn't help. "Kia?! Darrel?! Jess?!" I scream. But someone suddenly laugh, drowning my screams.

Though we can't see anyone because of the thick dust created when the wall were destroyed I can't help to feel scared by that eerie voice as it echo throughout the hall. Then all of a sudden someone step out from the smoke, making me and Shanna back away.

My eyes grew wide, when the thick dust slowly cleared up. Leaving everything bare in my eyes. My body trembles, while my eyes glisten with tears.

Everything is like a nightmare. And how I wish that I will wake up soon..

"Fuck it! Masha run!" Shanna drags me again but she didn't even make a single step when she suddenly falls beside me, dragging my trembling body with her.

I remain paralyzed, sitting on the floor, as everything sink within me.

Kia, Darrel and Jess bloodied body laying lifeless on the ground.

And now, Shanna..

And maybe even Mikee, and Lee..

"How many people needs to suffer, so that I can have a peaceful life?"

I felt a presence nearby, looking up I saw a silhouette of a man but I can not see his face clearly. But I'm aware that my end is near.

"Is it really a mistake to be mated with someone like Louis?"


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