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"People want to know where the bride and groo-" Tessa cuts herself off when she notices me.

I stand there punching the wall with my fists.

"What..what happened?" Tessa's voice's tone shows panic.

I see Harland put his hands on Tessa's shoulders. I watch as Tessa's face drops into complete terror.

I become filled with rage. The day that was supposed to be the best day of my life has turned into the worst.

If Harland would have just brought me my tie like I had fucking asked, Jessie wouldn't be dead! She wouldn't be gone.

I push myself off the wall and charge towards Harland who is hugging Tessa's sobbing body.

I tear Harland off her and both their faces turn to shock. I shove Harland's chest.

"She wouldn't be dead if you just listened to me!" I pushed him again.

"Leo.." Harland whispered.

"Leo stop!" Tessa tells from be hide me.

"No! You took her from me! She's dead. Jessie is fucking dead!" I push Harland.

"Leo!" Harland finally pushes me back.

"I didn't bring you your tie because I walked in on jessie sobbing over a positive pregnancy test!"

Jessie was pregnant.


"Yeah Leo! She was fucking pregnant!" Harland barked out before leaving with Tessa in his arms.

"Oh my god.." I look at the wall in complete and utter shock. "Oh my fucking god!" I throw my hand over my eyes and slam my back against the wall.

My sobs came as I held my hands over my head with my knees touching my forehead.

"Fuck!" I yelled out through my cries.

I have no one. Everyone is gone. My everything is gone.

Something in me is mad at her for leaving. Trust me it's not the fear of her leaving, but it's the fear of forgetting.

I don't want to forget the feeling her skin gave me, or the feeling her voice gave me. Or forgetting how she got mad so easily.

I don't even want to forget her. The pain that is my body is unbearable, I can even make word for what this is. Not really sure how to feel about this all, I just want her to stay.

She and I could have had our baby, we could have had our little baby girl like Jessie said we would.

The picture of Jessie's lifeless body keeps flashing in my head. Over and over. It's like she's gone but not leaving.

She and I were supposed to be forever. She wasn't supposed to leave this early. She wasn't supposed to go.

I'm so exhausted, I'm so tired of it all. I know she would have wanted me to keep going. I know that.

I sigh. I lift myself from the floor. I don't care to wipe away the tears from my cheeks, or the blood on my hands.

I stare straight as I walk down the stairs. Away from my Jess and our baby.

I slump down, and down. One step at a time.

I finally reach the bottom, the door to the garden. Everyone murmurs around us.

All the murmuring stops suddenly when they see me walking down the isle.

All eyes go to me. Nothing else just my body covered in blood and my face lost of emotion.

I get the the front. I stand in front of the crowd of people here to see me and Jessie get married.

I face them, it takes me a minute to speak. But I do.

"Jessie is dead." My voice quivers.

Gasps and cries come flooding through the crowd. People begin getting mad.

"Dear Jessie, you have made me someone I never thought I could be, you have become such an important part of my life." People stop yelling when they realize I'm talking. Tears from multiple people continued but not loud.

"You have become the piece of me that create the final puzzle, you have brought me so much. Like love, I never thought I could fall in love again. But yet I did, with you. If someone were to ever ask me who you were, I would simply tell them you were the light of my life, you were the only person I have ever felt these type of emotions for. And although it's your blood on me, I'll never forget to tell them how strong you were. Through all of it, through everything you have been through. You have showed so many people to be strong, and I wish you could have shown our Emmy. I wish I could have watched the both of you grow and fall in love with you both over and over again. Jessie, you gave me this type of freedom that I don't think I could ever forget. I promise you, that I will love you till the day I die. You will be my one and only for now, for ever, and for always. Goodbye cupcake." The crowd stays silent. A few leave, a few shed tears, and a few look confused as if they don't know who she is.

I don't even care to look or talk to anyone, that wasn't for them, it was for Jessie.

I leave the front of the isle. The place me and Jessie would be standing at right about now as cheers and hollers call out from around us.

But instead I stand her covered in her blood in front of a crowd of heartless murders.

I refuse to go into my own room. I don't ever want to be in there again.


I go into Jessie's room. I sit down on the bed, I stare down at her book, 'it ends with us' displays on the cover page.

I don't cry or get mad. I just sit and stare. No smile or frown. Just emotionless. Gone. Everything is gone.

I don't move, I stay still, frozen. Just like Jessie was when I first saw her after the shots.

Now I know what it's like. To feel paralyzed. Like everything is ending all at once. Like you just can't move because you know your going to be in so much pain that it hurts.

My breathing feels uneven and my heartbeat feels slowed, my eyes feel like the have lost colour.

I feel helpless. Hopeless. Like there is this never ending spiral of grief.

Jessie wouldn't want me to give up and I know that, I know she would want me to keep going for her and Emmy.

I may have lost her but I refuse to lose myself. She's gone. The person that made me softer is gone, but she won't ever be forgotten.


Im so sorry literally...

Thanks for reading and I apologize for y'all's mental health🙏🙏

Luv ya?!


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