"No one else is using it, dear," Molly replied.

"How were your O.W.L.'s, dear," Molly asked her granddaughter, looking at Rose.

"Scorpius and I received all Outstanding's," Rose shared. "I think Albus did as well. I know Cleo received all passing marks, but I know some of the examiners didn't know quite what to make of her. She really doesn't care about marks, though. Thank you for asking."

"That is wonderful news, Rose," Molly beamed.

"Everyone expects me to get top marks," Rose observed. "It is rather hard living up to everyone's expectations.

Rose looked at the other people in the kitchen, a little unsure what to do next.

"Grandmother is teaching me some of her cooking secrets, Rose," Victoire told her cousin. "Would you like to join us?"

Having nothing else to do, Rose spent most of the day with Molly and Victoire.

Rose usually enjoyed spending time on something other than studies. Listening to the two of them work with the Elves, plan meals, and discuss what other members of the family were doing felt natural and comfortable.

Victoire appreciated all the help she could get. She was busy getting ready for the new baby, and was at that stage in her pregnancy when she was quite awkward and uncomfortable. Maria was an easy child, but she still could use watching when she was awake, and Molly worked with Rose to show her how to tend a toddler, to let her fall and fail, but not to get seriously hurt, to let her explore but within limits.

"Did my mother like playing with babies?" Rose asked her grandmother.

"She doesn't have the patience you have," Molly told her granddaughter. "Some of taking care of a toddler is just watching them and letting them learn at their own pace."

"I don't want to work as hard as my mother," Rose told Molly. "I don't feel bad just sitting and watching."

"It is nice sharing with another adult, instead of just being with children all day," Molly told Rose. "Victoire is not really interested in moving out of the New Burrow, and I would be content to let them stay here. I know many women do not want to share their home, but I love being around family."

"I can see my father playing with my children more than my mother," Rose confessed. "I really love her, but she's not the most natural mother."

"She is a very good person," Molly let her granddaughter know. "Just maybe not as natural a mother as some."


Harry had been in Switzerland getting ready for the ICWW all day Monday and Tuesday morning.

Tuesday afternoon Harry was called into a meeting at the International Aurors Association, located next to the Swiss Aurors offices. Despite the longtime head of the International Aurors being an American, the International Aurors Association had its headquarters in Switzerland. It had not always been headed by an American, and they were several non-Americans that were the candidates for the next head.

A glum Harry Potter sat in a well shielded conference room listened to Raphael Vaud, the head of the Swiss Aurors, and Al VanLente, the head of the International Aurors, explain how they intended to keep everyone, but especially Albus and Cleopatra, safe during the International Conference of Witches and Wizards. All the changes in the relationships of the Magi and the Elves, all the beings that were now considered Elves, was adding another group of unhappy people to the ones already threatening Albus, Cleo, and others.

In the meeting, but not saying much, was Nausicaa Scherica, the most respected of the Swiss prophets.

Eventually Harry turned to Nausicaa and tried to confirm, "You are sure that everything is going to come to a head this year?"

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