"Is it my fault?"

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Max woke up before Phoebe. He knew that she slept in on weekends. So he decided to sleep in too. Phoebe then woke up but didn't wanna wake him up but she had to get up some how. She tried to get out if the bed but he woke up from the loud creeks of the bed.
Max: morning pheebs
Phoebe: good morning max.
Max: do you feel any better.

Gonna be honest she didn't look like she felt better. During the night she must have hit something with her wrist and then it started to bleed.

Phoebe: no I don't feel any different
Max: I'm going to my lair to get dressed. See ya
Phoebe: see ya

Max was really worried about his sister. Whenever he got too his lair the thought "what if she cuts herself because of me" instantly ran through his head. He worried. He didn't wanna be the reason his sister cuts herself. He tried to calm down a bit so he could act like he normally does at breakfast. He knew he could cry around Phoebe but he wasn't sure with the others. He got dressed and took a few deep breaths. He looked in the mirror and thought. If Phoebe has to go through this then I will too. He took the knife he snuck out of her room and cut himself twice. It wasnt bleeding too much. Not bleeding nearly as much as his twin sister. He put a bandage on and went upstairs.

Phoebe was already there. Texting Cherry back telling her she was ok and that max had helped. They had pancakes and waffles for breakfast. Others didn't notice max had his mind on something but his twin sister automatically knew something was up.
Max went down to his lair and Phoebe followed

Phoebe: max what's up. I can tell somethings wrong. I'm your twin sister. You can tell me anything.
Max: it's about what happened last night. Well some of it
Phoebe: I'm sorry you had to see that. If you want to just forget about it and act like you never saw anything
Max: I can't just forget about it. Your my twin sister. And if your gonna do that then I will too.
He quickly unwrapped his bandage and showed her.
Phoebe gasped
Phoebe: why would you do this to yourself
Max: because if we go down then we go down together
Phoebe ran up to her brother and hugged him
Phoebe: don't do it again
Max: I won't pheebs
Phoebe: promise?
Max: promise.
But On the other Hand, Phoebe did not quit.

The Inseparable Thundertwins ^ The Thundermans Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu