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*Phoebe runs into house sobbing*

Billy: Nora, what happened to Phoebe?
Nora: how would I know? We've been playing "Watch out billy I'm going to laser you" for the past thirty minutes. And we ate dads ice cream before this.
Billy: oh yea I forgot about that... oops
Nora: how could you forget?!

Barb: Hunny what happened
Phoebe: link cheated on me. We've been together for 7 months. How could he do this!

Barb hugs Phoebe then Phoebe ran to her room. Barb thought "whenever I went through a breakup I only ate food, showered barely ever, and never came downstairs. So maybe I'll bring her some food and get her a drink
Max had heard everything because he was finally able to shut dr. Collasso up (idk if I spelled that right)
"Ugh that bastard. How dare he cheat on my twin. He will regret making her feel this way. Wait hold on. Do I care about Phoebe? No I don't care about her. Well maybe a little bit. Only a little bit not a lot!"
He thought
Mom is going to her room now so I will comfort her later.
Cherry is the only one that knew about her suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, and self harm problem so whenever she figured out she blew up her phone hopping she would answer saying she was ok. But
Phoebe ignored it. She was hurting herself with a knife she had been keeping in her room without
Anyone knowing.
Blood was dropping from her wrist
She had heard her mom coming up the stairs so she quickly wrapped her write with a bandage, put on a hoodie, and hid the knife
Barb: here's something to eat if you get hungry and something to drink.

Phoebe: thanks mom but I kinda wanna be alone right now. * in her mind: so that way I can finish what I started*

Barb: ok sweetie. Just call me if you need anything.

By this time Cherry had completely freaked out and left her 82 messages. Phoebe started to unwrap the bandage. She picked up the knife and took a deep breath. She slit her wrist. All the memories of her with family and friends went through her mind.

If your wondering how Cherry found out that she was cutting well here's the story. It had to be the hottest day of the year so Phoebe wore short sleeves but Cherry suggested we go swimming. Phoebe completely forgot about her wrist and got excited because she hadn't been swimming in a while due to the scars on her arm. But she forgot about that and started jumping in the air saying "I'm so excited I could scream!! I haven't been swimming I looked a year!!"so they went swimming and Phoebe threw her hands Up trying to splash Cherry. As soon as she did that she quickly regretted it. So Cherry made her tell her the whole story and she did.

There was blood on the floor and Phoebe was crying a lot. Max started walking upstairs cause he had heard crying and what he saw made a tear fall from his eye.

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