I waited a couple of seconds for his response, but it never came. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes before standing up from the chair and stretching out my limbs.

I made my way over to the adjacent bathroom and washed my face before throughly brushing my teeth. After rinsing my mouth, I stripped out of my night clothes and put my shower cap over my hair before hopping in the shower.

I closed my eyes as the warm water ran over my body. I grabbed my loofa and squirted some of my body wash on it before throughly cleaning my body.

After my shower, I put on one of Von's sweaters and a pair of cotton shorts before making my way to the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it while I impatiently awaited Javon's return.

By the time I was done eating Javon still wasn't back which made me contemplate on if I should call him. I gave in to my curiosity and went straight to my contacts. Before I can call Javon however, my phone started to ring.


My eyebrows raised in excitement as read the caller I.D. Ashanti decided to leave Miami and sort of restart her life after the situation with Von was settled. We spoke to each other frequently and she was the first person I confided in about my pregnancy.

"Hey Shanti!" I happily remarked when the line connected.

"Hey Nyla! How y'all feeling today?" Ashanti asked matching my energy and I smiled thinking about how happy she seemed about my pregnancy.

"I'm having some morning sickness, but other than that we're good. How's Dallas treating you?"

"Dallas is amazing! I just bought a condo and this accountant job is great!" Ashanti sounded ecstatic about her new endeavors and honestly I was proud of her. Instead of becoming depressed after Drew rejected her, Ashanti decided to move on with her life and start on a whole new path.

"That's amazing girl! I'm just sitting here waiting for Javon to come back so I could break the news to him."

"Wait- you haven't told Von yet? What's the hold up?" My attention to the phone call was pulled away when I received a notification from the Ring doorbell. I opened the app and watched as Von typed in the code to disable the security system and unlock the door.

Right on time.

"Hello? You still there Ny?"

"H-Hold on Ashanti, I'll call you back." I said hanging up the phone before she can further question me. A sudden feeling of anxiety hit me as I stood up from my seat and approached the front door. I took a deep breath and pushed the feeling to the side while I opened the front door revealing Javon.

"Hey baby!" I pushed out a faux ecstatic tone which caused Von to eye me strangely. Instead of responding Von simply leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips before wrapping his arms around my waist and leading us inside the house.

"I came back as fast as I could. What you have to tell me mama?" Javon questioned me and my heart raced when he referred to me by that nickname.

I nervously fiddled with my fingers before taking a seat on the couch. I tried to speak but I felt crushed by some invisible pressure. All I could do was stare at Javon and I knew that he noticed that something was wrong by the way he stared at me.

"Nyla, what's up with you?" He asked in a voice laced with concern. Von took a seat next to me and grabbed at one of my shaking hands. He placed a kiss on my hand while looking in my eyes causing my heart to flutter.

I didn't respond back; I only stared at Javon. A sudden smile lit up his face and I watched Von shift a little bit before he pulled something out of his pocket. I couldn't help but to scrunch my nose in disgust when I saw that it was a large pill bottle filled with weed.

SEVERED BONDS (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now