"Taser webs" suit lady tells him.

"Taser webs?" Peter repeats, "I don't want taser webs."

"You seem to be very unfamiliar with your web-shooter settings" suit lady states, "Would you like to run a refresher course?"

Peter sits on the roof to get a better look at the men, "No, just. You choose."

"Sure thing" suit lady says.

One of the men peers through binoculars. Three trucks are approaching the gas station, "I have visual."

"Green light, green light."

Peter spots Vulture flying overhead in his wing suit, "Oh, that's him."

Vulture soars over a convoy of transport trucks. The suit's eyes glow green in the dark, "Okay, I got eyes on the convoy. Pulling in behind the caboose."

"Deploy anchors."

Vulture fires cables onto the roof of the last truck. He drops a cube onto the trailer, which separates into four pieces. Arranged in a rectangle, they create a glowing portal through the roof, "Dropping down."

Vulture detaches from his suit and falls through the portal, but the truck driver seems unaware of what's happening.

"No outgoing distress signals. You're all clear."

"Hey. Looks like they got some good stuff here." He rips off the door from a cage full of tech.

Peter climbs on top of the trailer and touches the portal. His fingers go through, "Whoa, cool. It's some kind of matter phase shifter."

Peter crawls down the ceiling as Vulture rises into view. Vulture kneels and zips a duffel bag, "Alright, coming up."

Vulture jumps through the portal and onto the roof of the trailer. Peter shoots a web at Vulture's bag, pulling it away, "Hey, Big Bird! This doesn't belong to you!" Vulture's green eyes glare intimidatingly in Peter's direction, "Oh, god."

Vulture gets into his wing suit and soars toward Peter. Peter jumps over him and fires long, weak webs past Vulture, "Suit lady, what was that?"

"You told me to choose" suit lady reminds him.

Vulture attacks Peter and Peter tries to balance himself on the edge of the trailer, "What? No, just set everything back to normal."

Peter grabs Vulture's duffel bag, and starts to tug, "Activating all systems."

Peter rips the bag out of Vulture's talons. He falls through the portal back into the truck. The portal cube is thrown off position by Peter's movement. He immediately jumps up to get out but slams his head on the now solid roof. Peter loses consciousness.

Olivia knocks on the door to Peter and Neds room, "hey guys you up?"

A few seconds later Ned opens the door, "not the time Olivia. Peters getting changed."

"I'll wait" Olivia shrugs.

"Olivia it's 11pm" Ned sighs.

"And?" Olivia questions, "what are you hiding?" Olivia pushes open the door and sees no Peter, "what is going on?"

"Nothing" Ned lies, he sighs, "Peter has gone after the guy who dropped him in the lake."

"What?" Olivia says, "happy can track him."

Ned walks over to a lamp and lifts it up, "he's tracking this lamp."

"You took the tracker out of the suit?" Olivia scoffs, "that boy is an idiot. Get out your computer."

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now