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     "That was so fun! The snackbar was really good! Oh and the caramel apples at the festival---Or the fireworks at the end---Oh! we're here." Chongyun and Xingqiu had separated from everyone, since it was time to go home. They had arrived at Yun's house. "Well! It was really fun, bye Yun!" Xingqiu walked off. Chongyun was out of it for basically the whole day, and now was no different, if anything his mood was about to get much worse. He unlocked the front door, to find his parents at the dining table---Great.
     "How was the festival?" His mom asked. "Umm, It was fun.." He hanged his jacket on the hanger by the door, making his way to the kitchen, "The fireworks were pretty, I guess." He got a glass of water. "I didn't know Aiko had a boyfriend. And of so long too." His father got straight to the point. Chongyun sighed, "Come on dad! Are you serious?" His dad glared at him, "I thought everything was going well with you two! While you were fooling around with Xingqiu, Ai got swooped off her feet by some random guy!" You could tell he was angry. Chongyun glared back, "Dad, nothing good comes out of forced things! Look, Aiko is amazing, but she's just my friend. She's happy with him and I'm happy with... myself!" He hesitated, but finished. "Honey, we just want what's best for you. Someone who doesn't search for love won't get it." His mom tried to help. "Guys I'm 17! Normal parents would be nagging me about my studies, not my love life?! Plus, I'm not some prince who's in desperate need of a princess." His dad was kind of shocked, "If you weren't in such a desperate need, then you wouldn't have turned to Xingqiu for a relationship! You seriously think you can hide it?" He laughed. Chongyun just stared, "You knew and STILL tried to make me date Aiko? What's wrong with you guys?" Yun walked off to his room. His parents just let him.

I'm not ready. // xingyunWhere stories live. Discover now