But all those supposedly great memories were a waste. Those pictures in the broken frames, tossed all around the room.

After she'd left and I lost her trail I ran up here. I was so angry I just started throwing things. All I could see was red. She hurt me so much that I couldn't think, only feel. So I threw item after item, breaking everything she touched.

I take another swig. Staring mindlessly at the dark tv. Why does she have this effect on me? She's my assistant.... But she's also my wife. Ugh women are so confusing, why can't they say it how it is. Instead they play these manipulative mind games and fuck with you.

I take a long swig of bourbon allowing the liquid to burn down my throat. "She's a bitch." I say to no one but myself.

Reaching into my pocket I grab the ring. Her ring. She'd left it with one of my employees who was working at the front desk, the same one that called me.

Even with the dim light in the room it still sparkled. Just like she had. No matter how dim her life was she'd always sparkle. Even if I didn't know what was happening.

Looking at the thing, it made me fucking angry. I threw it against the wall, hearing it clink and fall to the floor somewhere.

Making myself comfortable I finished off the bottle and felt my grasp loosen on it. My eyes became heavy and I pretended as if she was holding me, lulling me to sleep.

Olivia P.O.V

I popped my last fry into my mouth. "Thank you for going out and getting this. It was amazing"

"Of course! I'd do anything for you."

I gave her a weak smile. Even while eating I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. "Hey, are you ok? You can talk to me, you know?"

Maybe I should talk to Marie. She's my best friend. Plus it may help to get these feelings off my chest. I'm sure she'll know what to do.

"Ok- um, well. I've just been feeling guilty-"

"-What why?"

"When we were in the car. I made eye contact with him. He was so hurt Marie-"

"-so? He cheated on you. Cheated! Of course he's going to look at you with hurt. He's trying to manipulate you!"

Wow she sure is very opinionated on this subject. I guess I understand. She's feeling protective. She doesn't want her best friend who's pregnant to get hurt.

"I guess you could be right. But I've been thinking about it and I should at least tell him about the baby. He has a right to know. After all he is their father."

This time she let me finish speaking before offering up her advice. "I get where you're coming from. Truely. It's just... what if he tries to take custody? Think about it! He's rich, has a stable job. Can easily provide for the child. If there's even a small chance of him going that far. You're risking losing your child."

I sighed "no. You're right.... I think I'm just going to go to bed." All these different possible outcomes are making my head hurt.

"Alright babe. Let me know if you need anything." She gave me a swift kiss on the cheek as I stood and left her in the lounge with the movie we were supposed to watch.

I closed my door and shuffled under the covers on my bed. My heads all over the place. I'm not sure what is right and what is wrong. Marie had many good points but I still don't know whether I should listen. The girls convincing, I'll give her that. Maybe I should listen to her. She seems to know what she's talking about. It's not like I have anyone else to talk to, other than Ricky. It's moments like these when I wished I had a mother to talk to, she'd know what to say, how to make everything right again.

Grayson P.O.V

1 week later

I haven't been to work since she left. I can't even get myself to move. I've been sitting in the same spot. The only difference is I smell worse, I have pizza boxes all around me along with empty bottles of liquor.

I hear my door open and multiple voices speaking in hushed whispers. I'm too far gone to know or care who it is and what they're saying. It doesn't matter anyway, she's gone, the only woman who I've felt feelings I can't describe, although good feelings, is gone and never coming back.

That's what hurts the most. That I know she's never coming back. She could have left the country by now. Or found another man to hold her night when she has nightmares.

A feminine voice snaps me out of my thoughts. For a second I thought she'd come back. But I was instead faced with my mother who's holding her nose, disgusted and giving me a disapproving look.

Behind her stand Mason and Preston. Who look worried but also guilty. Those fuckers seriously bought my mom into this? Traitors.

She smacked the bottle of rum out of my hand. It landed with a crash to the floor. Shards of glass scattered all around the brown liquid. "What the fuck." I grumbled.

My mothers shrill voice did not help my consistent hangover "what the fuck?!?! Grayson Daniel Black! You get your ass up to your room and go take a fucking shower! You've been moping for long enough it's time to get your shit together!!"

I rubbed my hand down my face. "She left me mom."

I expected her to yell again but instead she leaned down in front of me, taking my hand "I know baby" her tones soothing.

"I also know that this whole marriage was a sham to save your company." That earned me a smack on the back of the head.


"Grayson. I don't appreciate you lying to me. I didn't raise you that way... but I understand that you're hurting so I'll let it slide. For now."

"Thanks ma."

She pulls me into her chest, holding me like the little boy I used to be. "I'm serious Grayson. You're slowly killing your self here. It's time to get back to the real world and if you really love her-"

"I don't love her."

She pulls back and looks deep into my eyes "honey, if you don't love her, why are you sitting here drunk at one in the afternoon?"

Do I love her? Holy shit.... I'm in love with my wife! The irony.

"Ah, there we go. You've finally realised how you truely feel. Took you long enough. Now go have a shower and we're going to get your girl back."

I smiled, for the first time since Olivia left. "Thanks mom." I kissed her cheek.

She grimaced making me laugh "ok go. You really stink."

I laughed again standing up. I looked to Preston and Mason who were picking up pizza boxes and liquor bottles "thanks guys."

They both threw me a smirk "yeah yeah go shower." Mason smirked.

I turned and began to head up the staircase. I heard Preston whisper to Mason "he's totally whipped."

Normally I'd say something. Maybe throw a pillow of a liquor bottle at him. But he's not wrong. I am whipped. I'm not afraid to say it either because I love Olivia. She's the one for me. The only one for me and I'm going to get her back no matter what it takes.

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